

Best Answer

a:the dissolving of only salt A was endothermic

b:the dissolving of only B was endothermic

c:the dissolving of both salt a and A and salt B was endothermic

d:the dissolving of salt A was exothermic and the dissolving of salt B was endhothermic

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1d ago

Interpretation of data involves analyzing information to make sense of the results. This process helps to draw conclusions, identify patterns or trends, and understand the implications of the data. It ultimately aims to provide insights and support decision-making based on the findings.

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Q: What is interpretation of data?
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What is a broad interpretation?

A broad interpretation refers to a way of understanding something that is inclusive of various perspectives, factors, and possibilities. It involves considering a wide range of information and viewpoints to develop a comprehensive understanding or analysis of a particular subject or issue.

How is political science both an art and science?

Political science is considered both an art and a science because it combines empirical research methods and data analysis (science) with interpretation, analysis, and judgment of political behavior and institutions (art). It involves the systematic study of political systems, government policies, and political processes using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Which of these is a tool that can help you interpret the data?

A data visualization tool can help you interpret data by presenting it in easy-to-understand charts or graphs. It allows you to identify trends, patterns, and correlations in the data more effectively. Data visualization tools can range from simple tools like Excel to more advanced tools like Tableau or Power BI.

What does the broken line show?

A broken line on a graph typically represents a discontinuity or missing data points. It can also indicate that the data points may not be continuous or that there is a gap in the data being presented.

What is traditional approach?

•Traditional approach: separate data files are created and stored for each application program •Results in data redundancy: duplication of data in separate files •Data redundancy conflicts with data integrity (the degree to which the data in any one file is accurate)

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interpretation of data

Interpretation of data?

Involves explaining the meaning or significance of data gathered.

How do graphs help you to interpret data?

They give a visual interpretation of the data.

What does based on interpretations mean?

interpretation means interpreating the data based on the given data... eg..1 2 4 8__ here next data is 16... this is what an interpretation is..

Steps in statistical investigation?

# Collection of Data # Processing # Presentation # Analysis of Data # Interpretation of Data

What is numercial data?

Numerical data is more on numbers. These numbers are the basis of the interpretation.

What is the branch of math concerned with collection interpretation of data?


Part of the brain responsible for the interpretation of data and thinking?


What does data mean in science terms?

Data is unprocessed...stuff. In other words, the raw facts and no interpretation or anything. Information is processed data.

What is the BEST way to state the relationship between data and results?

"Data" are the facts you collect from your experiment, while "results" are your interpretation of what the data mean.