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Social CApital: Bonds of Trust and Reciprocity between citizens that form the glue that holds modern socities together.

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4d ago

Social capital refers to the bonds of trust and reciprocity between citizens that help build cohesive societies. It is essential for maintaining stability, fostering cooperation, and promoting collective well-being in modern societies. Without social capital, communities may struggle to address common challenges and achieve shared goals.

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Q: What is the bonds of trust and reciprocity between citizens that form the glue holding modern societies together?
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Continue Learning about Political Science

COMPARISION between history and political science?

History is the study of past events, people, societies, and cultures to understand the evolution of human societies over time. Political science, on the other hand, focuses on the study of political systems, institutions, behaviors, and ideologies to analyze power dynamics and decision-making processes within society. While history provides a broad perspective on how societies have developed, political science offers a more specialized focus on political structures and mechanisms of governance.

What does cultural ambassador do?

A cultural ambassador promotes and shares their own culture internationally through various means such as art, music, dance, or language. They serve as a representative of their country or community, fostering mutual understanding and cultural exchange between different societies.

What is the unified theory of political geography?

The unified theory of political geography seeks to explain how political power and territorial control influence the spatial organization of societies. It examines the relationship between political institutions, human behavior, and geographical factors in shaping political landscapes. This theory aims to understand the interactions between politics and geography in shaping the world we live in.

Explain the gap between theory and practice in colonial policy?

The gap between theory and practice in colonial policy arises from the disconnect between the lofty ideals and principles put forth by colonial powers, such as promoting civilization and modernization, and the harsh realities of implementing these policies on the ground. In practice, colonial policies often resulted in exploitation, oppression, and the erosion of indigenous cultures and societies, highlighting the contradictions between theory and the actual impact on colonized populations.

What are the reasons for a political econom?

Some reasons for studying political economy include understanding the relationship between politics and economics, analyzing power dynamics within societies, exploring how economic policies are developed and implemented, and examining the impacts of economic decisions on different groups in society.

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Generalized reciprocity is when gifts are given without expectations of immediate return of a gift. this is found in all foraging and tribal societies. forms of these type of exchange are still found in modern societies but is focused primarily within a circle of family and friends and is no longer necessary for survival.On the other hand, balanced reciprocity is when gifts are given with explicit expectation of a return gift. gifts do not need to be equivalent value in many cases, and they usually occur between non-blood kin.

Do ca lawyers have reciprocity with ma lawyers?

There is no reciprocity between the lawyers of the two states.

Is there reciprocity between states for DUI's?

there is

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Reciprocity between North Carolina and Connecticut?

For both criminal extradition and DMV information-sharing purposes they DO have reciprocity, as do ALL states.

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What is resaposity?

Reciprocity is the mutual exchange of privleges between to entities.

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Both New Jersey and Vermont have reciprocity between them for moving violations. The only states that do not are Tennessee, Michigan, Massachusetts, and Georgia.

What is the difference between society and societies?

society is singular and societies is plural

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society is singular and societies is plural

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uh huh