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The three methods of presidential election discussed by the framers of the Constitution include using electoral college, simply selecting the president, and electing directly. As of 2014, the president is elected using the electoral college.

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The three methods of presidential election discussed by the framers of the Constitution were the election by Congress, election by state legislatures, and election by popular vote. They ultimately settled on the Electoral College system as a compromise between these options.

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Q: What were the three methods of presidential election discussed by the framers of the Constitution?
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Is it true or false that political parties are mentioned in several places in the Constitution?

False. The Constitution does not mention political parties. The framers of the Constitution did not anticipate the rise of political parties and did not include any references to them in the document.

How do you be presient?

To be president of a country, you typically need to be a natural-born citizen, meet a minimum age requirement, and have lived in the country for a certain number of years. Additionally, you must usually run for election and win a majority of votes to become president.

Why did the framers create repubilcan and democratic democracies instead of direct democracy?

The framers established a republican form of government to address concerns about the potential for tyranny of the majority in a direct democracy. By electing representatives, they aimed to balance popular sovereignty with the protection of minority rights. This system also allowed for more efficient decision-making and governance over large and diverse populations.

How does a democracy encourage the formation of political parties?

A democracy encourages the formation of political parties by providing a platform for diverse views and interests to be represented and compete for power. Through free and fair elections, political parties can present their ideas to the public and form alliances to promote their agendas. This system helps ensure that various perspectives are considered in the decision-making process.

Why checks and balances made in the first place?

Checks and balances were created to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful and to ensure that each branch has a way to limit the power of the other branches. This system helps to protect individuals' rights and prevent abuse of power by ensuring that no single branch can dominate the others. Checks and balances also promote cooperation and compromise between branches of government.

Related questions

What were three method of presidential election discussed by the framers?

The three methods of the presidential election discussed by the framers of the Constitution were; Congressional selection, direct vote of the people and electoral college. In the end electoral college won out.

What are the methods of presidential election discussed by the framers?

Selected by congress, direct vote of the people, electoral college

What were three methods of presidential selection discussed by the framers?

house of representatives

Where was the US Constitution discussed debated and ratified?

The city of Philadelphia was the location where the Framers of the US Constitution was debated, discussed and then ratified by the "states" of the American Confederation.

What were the Framers three methods of presidential election?

Selected by congress, direct vote of the people, electoral college.

Why did the framers of the constitution not include the direct election of the president?

They instead used an electoral college to prevent a majority mob rule

How many Framers were there for the Constitution of the US?

There are 53 framers in the U.S. Constitution

What House of representative rules the committee?

= Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? = = Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? = = Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? = = Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? = = Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? = = Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? = = Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? = = Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? = = Why did the framers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to have a legislature composed for two houses? 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What are framers?

Framers are people who wrote the constitution

What document did the framers look to when writing the constitution?

the framers of the constitution looked to Locke for inspiration when writing the constitution.

How did the framers of the constitution show their interest in protecting capitalism?

how did the framers of the constitution show interest in capitalism

Did the framers of the Constitution created a system of a government based on the principles of direct democracy?

NO. The United States is a representative democracy and its Constitution gives no provisions for direct democracy.