first of all if there is a representative for the provincial government that would mean that he/she is in a provincial government. if somone is in delta he/she is in a municipal government. your question cannot be answered because you asked for the representative in provincial government in delta (municipal government.
ex. if it is a country it is federal
if it is a province it is provincial
if it is a city it is municipal.
The Parliament of Canada website includes a listing of all provincial representatives, including the representatives for British Columbia.
the Roman Kingdom, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire. The Roman Kingdom lasted from 753 BC to 509 BC and was characterized by the rule of kings. The Roman Republic existed from 509 BC to 27 BC and was a period of representative government. The Roman Empire began in 27 BC and lasted until 476 AD, during which power was concentrated in the hands of emperors.
There were three governments in Ancient Rome: there was the Roman monarchy, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire. The Roman Monarchy (753 BC--509 BC) was your average monarchy. The Roman Republic (509 BC--27 BC) was a Representative form of government. The Roman Empire (27 BC-AD 476) formed when the Roman Republic was removed (some accounts claim by Julius Caesar).
There are 3 categories: Monarchy- Was in hands of the king so was more protected, 753-509 bc Republic-Was in hands of a group representative so was less protected, 509-31 bc Empire- Was in hands of the Emperor so was more protectected than the representative, 31- 476 bc. -lol! =]
BC' + BC' = 2BC'
The Queen's Representative: Lieutenant Governor of B.C.The Legislature is comprised of the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia (appointed by the Governor General of Canada, on the advice of the prime minister), and the elected Legislative Assembly. Currently, His Honour the Honourable Steven L. Point, O.B.C., the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, represents Her Majesty the Queen of Canada for the province.Members of the Legislative Assembly of B.C.The Legislative Assembly has 85 members, each of whom is elected using the single-member plurality system at each provincial general election. Check sources and related links, below, for the member of the Legislative Assembly for your electoral district. If you are unsure of your electoral district, you can contact Elections British Columbia at 1 (800) 661-8683.
it is bc bc bc bc bc
* Amenemhat IV (1815 BC to 1806 BC) * Tutimaios (circa 1690 BC)- also known as Dudimose A Hyksos king (circa 1648 BC to 1540 BC) * Ahmose I (1550 BC to 1525 BC) * Thutmose I * Thutmose III (1479 BC to 1425 BC) * Amenhotep II (1427 BC to 1401 BC) * Amenhotep IV, also known as Akhenaten (1352 BC - 1336 BC) * Horemheb (circa 1319 BC to 1292 BC) * Ramesses I (circa 1292 BC to 1290 BC) * Ramesses II (1279 BC to 1213 BC) * Merneptah (1213 BC to 1203 BC) * Amenmesse (1203 BC to 1199 BC) * Setnakhte (1190 BC to 1186 BC
i think no because most of them don't want slaves to be their representative true but then u just have to think of wat they did befor to ge there bc u could be unsaved
i think no because most of them don't want slaves to be their representative true but then u just have to think of wat they did befor to ge there bc u could be unsaved
1500 bc was before 600 bc
The singular possessive word form of "representative" is "representative's".