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Of course they can, lots of things can lead to suicide, it normally depends on the person involved and how different things affect them.

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Q: Can low self esteem and self-loathing cause suicide?
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Is low self-esteem is bad for you?

Yes, low self-esteem can have negative effects on your mental health and overall well-being. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy, depression, anxiety, and difficulty forming healthy relationships. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor can help in improving self-esteem.

What happens to a kids self esteem when you turn them down?

They commit suicide

Can women cause men to have low self esteem?

Yep. You try to come home to ramen noodles and see how your self esteem is.

Is low self-esteem the leading cause of obesity?

No, the leading cause of obesity is food.

What are Cyber bullying affects?

cyber bullying can actually cause the suicide rate to increase and can make peoples self-esteem become low. screw cyber bullying :)

How can positive self talk help a person who is thinking of suicide?

If you talk about how good their life was and what they have accomplished, it may raise their self-esteem and persuade them to keep on living.

Why isn't bullying a problem?

Bullying is an issue. It can lead to depression, suicide, and low self esteem among other things.

What is the plural of self esteem?


Why do people commit suicide?

The number one reason is rejection by family and friends. Low self-esteem is also a major factor.

Where do you get your self-esteem from?

Self esteem can be gained by confidence. A person should attain confidence resulting into self esteem.


Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. 

How do you write self esteem?

You write it as self-esteem. It is hyphenated.