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11h ago

It's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to determine the extent of the injury. Rest the finger, apply ice to reduce swelling, and elevate it above heart level. Avoid using the finger until it heals to prevent further damage.

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Q: I think i broke my middle finger knuckle after punching the wall. Now theres a purple bruise and when i touch it i could fell the bone cracking how to recover quick?
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What is the difference between a stroke and a subdural hematoma?

A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to cell death. A subdural hematoma, on the other hand, is a collection of blood between the brain and its outermost covering (the dura mater), often caused by head trauma. Both can lead to neurological symptoms, but a stroke is due to a blood vessel blockage or rupture in the brain, while a subdural hematoma is blood collecting outside the brain tissue.

Does it hurt to get hit with a paint ball?

Depends on how many layers of clothing you're wearing and how close you're being shot (far away- nope, close up- you bet)Answer:A paintball travels at about 300 fps (or 200mph) giving it a lot of energy to transfer when it hits. The human body has several tender sots which react badly to this type of attention. A good day on the paintball field will leave most players with few souvenir bruises. The number of bruises will increase if you take cheap shots at the other team or your own guys and they decide to hose you down to show you that it does hurt.

What will happen if somebody taps you in the head with a pencil?

Tapping someone on the head with a pencil can be painful and could potentially cause injury, such as a cut or bruise. It's important to be mindful of the force used when tapping someone to avoid causing harm.

What do people use to self harm?

If your asking ways to self injure then you just want to do it for attention otherwise if you want to cut obviously anything sharp if you want to burn obviously fire bruise your self? your fist always works i have self injured for about 2 years and it IS addictive. and i have reason to self injure reasons like a f***d up family, bad child hood, and mainly a f***ed up life. self injure is the stage before suicide but you don't yet want to kill your self. Hope This Helps

What is an intentional act of causing physical self-harm or intending to cause physical self-harm without the intent to kill oneself?

The intentional act of causing physical self-harm without intending to cause death is often referred to as self-harm or non-suicidal self-injury. This behavior is driven by various factors such as emotional distress, coping mechanisms, or a way to communicate inner pain without the intent to end one's life. It is essential for individuals engaging in self-harm to seek professional help and support to address underlying issues and develop healthier coping strategies.