

Best Answer

to Open colleges in the south

^that is wrong...and racist, blacks are educated lol the correct answer is

Redistribute southern land

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Q: Newly freed African Americans urged the federal government to?
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What the newly freed African Americans needed to do what after the war?

What the newly freed African Americans needed to do what after the war

States began to strip black Americans of their newly established civil rights in the 1880s In which year did the federal government begin to reestablish civil rights for black Americans?


What is newly freed African-Americans?

The term newly freed African Americans is used to describe former slaves that were no longer owned by anyone else. Slavery was abolished in the United States in the year 1865.

Why did many newly freed African Americans leave plantations?

100,000,000 because like a good poet wrote 100,000,000 newly freed African Americans leave plantations just like apples grow on trees

How did the forteenth amendment further help newly freed African Americans?

It gave them citizenship

In 1777 what Americans were forming a new plan for government?

Leaders of the newly formed United States of America established the Articles of Confederation in 1777. This document was their first, and poorly executed, attempt to establish a federal government.

What economic challenge did the newly formed American federal government face?


New rights acquired by newly freed slaves?

African Americans gained voting rights,

True or false most newly freed African Americans voters supported the republican party?


How did the southern states prohibit African Americans from voting after Reconstruction ended?

they created poll taxes and literacy tests to stop African Americans from voting; the taxes succeeded because the newly freed African Americans had been forbidden to read as slaves, and had little, or no money to vote with.

What groups started the KKK?

Anyone who was radically racial and willing to scare the newly freed African Americans out of their wits.

How where hopes of African-Americans dissapionted after the war?

The Federal government (mis)led the newly-freed slaves to believe that they would receive land and other resources - "forty acres and a mule." Also, after Federal administrators left the former Confederate States in 1877, white southerners regained control, denied the vote and other civil rights to blacks, and legalized segregation in schools and other public places.