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Q: What is the type of learning that occurs from mere observation of others performing the behavior?
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What is systematic observation in psychology?

the process of carefully observing behavior as it occurs

How does learning differ from the change in behavior that occurs due to natural growing up such as baby learning to talk?

How does learning differ from the change in behaviour that occurs due to natural growing up such as baby learning to talk?"

Which term best describes a relatively permanent change in behavior or the potential to make a response that occurs as a result of experience?


Is operant conditioning a behaviorist theory?

Yes. Operant condition is a behaviorist theory because it is a method of learning that usually occurs via the rewards and punishments for the behavior.

Where does learning take place?

Learning can take place in various settings such as schools, workplaces, online platforms, and through personal experiences. It occurs when individuals acquire new knowledge, skills, or behaviors through study, instruction, observation, or practice. The process of learning is ongoing and can happen anywhere at any time.

How does most learning occur?

Most learning occurs through continuous repetition.

What is naturalistic observation and when is it the preferred method of research?

It base to the phenomenon as it occurs naturally...

What does internal behavior mean?

Internal behavior is what occurs inside the mind as opposed to the behavior that is acted out in an external manner.

Term used to describe learning that occurs in the absence of a reward or consequence?

latent learning

What is an organism in action and change in the behavior that occurs as result of a stimulus is?

A response is an action of change in behavior that occurs as a result to a stimulus. The stimulus can be either internal or external.

Negative reinforcement the likelihood of a behavior's being repeated and publishment the likelihood of a behavior's being repeated?

Negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated by removing an aversive stimulus after the behavior occurs, thus strengthening the behavior. On the other hand, punishment decreases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated by applying an aversive stimulus after the behavior occurs, weakening the behavior.

What does this quote mean no significant learning occurs without a significant learning?

This quote highlights the importance of making mistakes and experiencing challenges in the learning process. It suggests that true learning and growth come from facing significant obstacles and setbacks that push individuals to expand their understanding and skills. Without encountering and overcoming these significant challenges, the depth and breadth of learning may be limited.