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Q: What perspective suggests that the field should focus on observable behavior that can be measured objectively?
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If you adopt the perspective you will reject an emphasis on what goes on in peoples minds in favor of focusing on measurable behaviors that can be objectively measured?

If you adopt the perspective you will reject an emphasis on what goes on in peoples minds in favor of focusing on measurable behaviors that can be objectively measured

8. If you adopt the perspective you'll reject an emphasis on what goes on in people's minds in favor of focusing on measurable behaviors that can be objectively measured. A. cognitive B. psychodynamic?


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A fever is a sign of an illness, since it can be measured objectively.

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A fever is a sign of an illness, since it can be measured objectively.

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Quantitative means measured objectively, the measurement results in numbers.

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How can overt behavior be measured?

Secretly, I suppose.

what is application observability?

An application is said to be observable if its current state can be measured based on the data it generates, such as metrics longs and traces.