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Q: Observable behavior versus internal mental processes?
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Define and explain the nature of psychology?

is the scientific study and practical application of observable behavior & mental processes or organisms... from; Gilbert medalla (ASILANT)

Who would have been most likely to ignore mental processes and to define psychology as the scientific study of observable behavior?

John B Watson

What are three examples of behavior and mental process in psychology term?

Behaviors are actions that are directly observable such as reading, talking, and listening. Mental processes involve thoughts, emotions, and motive which cannot be directly observed such as depression, concentration, and love.

What is the science of behavior and mental processes?


Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes This means that psychologists are interested in?

Biological approach-It is a psychological approach that examines behavior & mental processes through a focus of the body but mainly the brain & nervous system.

Psychology is defined as the science of?

behavior and mental processes

What is scientific study in psychology?

mental and behavior processes

The study of behavior and mental processes is central to?


What is bahavior?

Covert behavior: is any mental, social, or physical action or practice that is not immediately observable.

According to observable measurable actions are more important than inferred mental processes?


The study of psychology should include?

behavior and mental processes.

What do you mean by psychology?

Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes