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According to the Ontario Ministry of Education, Behaviour Disorder is a "Learning disorder characterized by specific behaviour problems over such a period of time, and to such a marked degree, and of such a nature, as to adversely affect educational performance, and that may be accompanied by one or more of the following: a) An inability to build or to maintain interpersonal relationships; b) Excessive fears or anxieties; c) A tendency to compulsive reaction; d) An inability to learn that cannot be traced to intellectual, sensory, or other health factors, or any combination thereof."

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Behavior disorders of childhood refer to a group of mental health conditions in children that involve ongoing patterns of disruptive, aggressive, or antisocial behaviors. These behaviors often interfere with the child's ability to function in social, academic, or family settings, and may include actions such as defiance, impulsivity, or aggression. Early identification and intervention are important to address these disorders and support the child's healthy development.

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What is the definition of histrionic?

Histrionic refers to overly dramatic or attention-seeking behavior typically characterized by an exaggerated display of emotions to gain attention or sympathy. In psychology, it can also refer to a personality disorder marked by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior.

What disorder is more common in males than females and shows up in social behaviors such as lying theft violence aggression and vandalism?

Conduct disorder is more common in males than females and is characterized by a pattern of antisocial behaviors like lying, theft, violence, aggression, and vandalism. This disorder typically appears in childhood or adolescence and can have serious negative consequences if left untreated.

What diagnosis is likely for a person who feels detatched while engaging in self-injuring behavior?

Depersonalization disorder or dissociative identity disorder may be considered, as feeling detached from oneself while engaging in self-injuring behavior can be indicative of a dissociative disorder. It is important for the individual to seek a mental health professional for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Is sniffing dirty panties stolen panties a mental disorder or just perverted behavior?

Engaging in this behavior can be considered a paraphilic disorder, particularly if it causes distress or impairment in functioning. It is not typical behavior and may indicate underlying psychological issues that may benefit from professional help.

If you define yourself as a narcissist are you one?

If someone self-identifies as a narcissist, it could be an indicator that they possess traits associated with narcissistic personality disorder. However, a formal diagnosis requires a mental health professional to assess symptoms and patterns of behavior that align with the disorder. Self-awareness of these traits is a positive first step towards seeking support or treatment if needed.

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Children who seem normal at first but who begin to show autistic behavior as they get older might be diagnosed with "childhood disintegrative disorder"

What is the definition of childhood disorder?

There are many kinds of childhood disorders. Thus it would be hard to define them all.

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There is no evidence to a behavior problem or disorder.

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No. The symptoms of Anti-Social Personality Disorder, which are a total indifference for the rights of others characterized by a lifelong history of callous disregard to their welfare, must begin by 18 and must have been proceeded by Behavior Disorder in childhood.

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no. depression is a mood disorder.

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well, technically, suicidal behavior can be triggered by almost anything. Autosomal disorders very rarely have anything to do with behavior. but, im confused by the way you worded your question. Is it ,"Is suicdal behavior an autosomal disorder?" or "Can suicidal behavior be caused by an autosomal disorder?"

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There is a disorder that affects human behavior.

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