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Ivan Pavlov.

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Classical conditioning was discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov in the early 20th century. He famously demonstrated how dogs could associate a bell ringing with food, leading to conditioned responses.

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How do you explain Classical Conditioning Theory?

Explain Classical Conditioning Theory?

What is the best way to differentiate operant conditioning from classical conditioning?

Operant conditioning involves learning through consequences (rewards or punishments) for behaviors, while classical conditioning involves learning through associations between two stimuli. In operant conditioning, the focus is on the behavior itself and its consequences, while in classical conditioning, the focus is on involuntary responses to stimuli.

Why classical conditioning is called classical?

Classical conditioning is called classical to distinguish it from another form of conditioning known as operant conditioning. The term "classical" was used by Ivan Pavlov, the psychologist who discovered this type of learning, to highlight the historical significance of this form of conditioning in psychology.

What did Joseph Wolpe's proposed theory based on classical conditioning explain?

Joseph Wolpe's proposed theory based on classical conditioning explain's the classical conditioning theory is linked with phobias.

What did Joseph Wolpe's proposed theory based on classical conditioning explain?

Joseph Wolpe's proposed theory based on classical conditioning, known as systematic desensitization, explained how phobias and anxiety could be treated by gradually exposing individuals to their feared stimuli while teaching them relaxation techniques. This therapy aimed to help individuals replace their learned fear response with a relaxation response, ultimately reducing their fear and anxiety levels.

What is a common name for Pavlovian conditioning?

Classical conditioning.

Did Sigmund Freud create classical conditioning while working with his female patient?

No, Sigmund Freud did not create classical conditioning. Classical conditioning was developed by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian psychologist, through his experiments with dogs and saliva secretion. Freud is known for his work in psychoanalysis, which focuses on the unconscious mind and childhood experiences.

How classical conditioning might arise in counseling situation?

classical conditioning is likely to arise in the counsellng situation because the client's behaviour may be trigered by anticedent conditioning or the enviroments.

When does trace conditioning occur?

Trace conditioning occurs when there is a temporal gap between the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the unconditioned stimulus (US), meaning the CS ends before the US is presented. This type of conditioning relies on short-term memory and typically involves a brief delay between the end of the CS and the onset of the US.

Conditioning that has a natural and automatic stimulus response situation is known as what?

Classical conditioning.

In classical condotioning the conditioned stimulus will trigger the?

conditioned response. The conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus, goes on to trigger a response.

Who first identified the form of learning called classical conditioning?

The form of learning called classical conditioning was first identified by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov in the late 19th century. Pavlov discovered this type of associative learning when studying the salivary responses of dogs to different stimuli.