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It can be damaging because, when taking drugs, you feel different then you do while sober. During that time, you feel better than normal (usually, at least), so, when off the drug(s), you don't feel as good. Then, you start to be dependent on the drugs and feel that it's the thing keeping you happy.

It can effect your self-esteem because it does affect the way you look, and you're more prone to worry about your image. You might be ashamed that you're taking drugs, so you try and hide it. Or, you think taking the drugs makes you seem cool, so you flaunt it; if you were the lose the drugs, it may make you feel like you have nothing and your friends might leave you.

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Q: Why are drugs damaging to a persons self esteem?
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Yes, self-esteem can play a significant role in substance dependence. Individuals with low self-esteem may turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to cope with negative feelings or to boost their confidence. Building healthy self-esteem through therapy, support groups, and self-care can be key in overcoming substance dependence.

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because low self-esteem comes from a bad diet, which is bad for a person's physical and mental/emotional health!

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A lot of people with low self esteem will give into peer pressure and turn to drugs and alcohol. They think it will make them cooler and be more accepted by their friends or peers.

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A person who experience abuse is likely to develop a negative self-image and a lower self-esteem.

Does a person with no self esteem find it easy to refuse drugs?

To the contrary there are more people that may try to take drugs because of their low self esteem and especially alcohol because it gives them a false sense of self esteem and some become more talkative because they want to be part of the group. However, there are a few people that may just sit back and not try drugs at all.

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Engaging in negative habits as a result of peer pressure affect body image and self esteem. Activities such as drugs can contribute to this.

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Low self-esteem

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How does homework hurt a child's self-esteem?

Homework, in and of itself, doesn't hurt a child's self-esteem. Doing your homework can give you a self-esteem boost because you've completed something difficult and can be proud that you did your best work on it. On the other hand, non-supportive reactions by parent or sibling to a child having difficulty with homework ("You're so stupid, you can't even to that easy task," etc.) can be very damaging to self-esteem.