

Best Answer

the stress makes people go crazy


stress make people go crazy

yes people are crazy the reason why they are crazy are mant work kids money and more

imani which is me a.k.a the best and my best friend deanna are kinda crazy why because of schoooooooooooooooooool work yeah i said i go to horizon science academy denison i really dont like it here if you have any questions if you want the real response any question than email me at

also i phycoloigists coarse!!!!

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 8mo ago

People may freak out due to fear, stress, anxiety, or feeling overwhelmed. It can also be a natural response to a threatening or unexpected situation. When people are in a state of distress, their bodies go into a fight-or-flight response, triggering intense reactions.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

We are aware of our own termination. Nothing is more obvious to us than that "dead is dead," and we can't stand the fact of a short, ultimately meaningless existence - with this all-consuming sense of "self" which has developed, soon-to-be quite extinguished. (Groucho Marx: "Life, is several billion cells that just happen to be you for while.") We desperately want to keep experiencing, at almost all costs. (Joe Louis, "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die!") Thus, we insist upon the absurdity of an "eternal life": our own intelligece and identity without a brain, we each as an "invisible man, living in the sky." (Women seem to be particularly bad about not facing up to nihilism; they are the principle life-givers, and it ruins everything to admit that such a literally whole-body, whole existence endeavor is all "for naught" ultimately. Twice as many men are nihilists as so women. And yet, men are far more dogmatic than women, it seems to me. The true "root of evil" is existential anxiety, even worse when coupled with testosterone.) Pulitzer Prize winner Ernest Becker (The Denial of Death, The Birth and Death of Meaning, Angel in Armor) put it best: "Man, in an impossible situation, must pay a price for pretending that he is not mad." Or if you prefer, Mark Twain: "When you admit that we are all crazy, the mystery goes away and all stands explained."

Something ("energy") had to "always be there" no matter which way you figure it. (Samuel Butler Johnson: "Theist and atheist, the debate between them is simply whether God shall be called God, or given some other name.") And with the 1992-discovered random, quantum vacuum fluctuations matter is produced, in the way of subatomic particles - via E=MC squared.

These random fluctuations are in a vacuum of omnipresent energy - as per ubiquitous, electromagnetic phenomena. This is a peek at how the universe "started," with the Big Bang. And nothing had to "cause" this. The initial energy singularity didn't suddenly "go" Big Bang (after having sat around for a few million years or some such) it was this Big-Bang motion inherently. Energy IS motion innately (and "time" and "space" are simply notions by which we our developed cognizance of motion is facilitated - Einstein: "Time and Space are modes in which we think, and not conditions in which we live."). All change, all motion, occurs via a concept of "space" - and "time" is simply the means by which we record our observation of any such change: change, as in any such motion as that of the Big Bang. We have accrued over four billion years this capacity to so observe motion, all very intricately so now. (Dobhansky: "Nothing in biology makes sense, except in the light of evolution.")

The alternative here, of course, is to insist upon the "absolute certainty" of a literally preposterous "everywhere & nowhere" (What?) guy who loves us, and is "working in our lives." T Szaz: "If you talk to God you're religious; if God talks to you you're schizophrenic." And all of this despite, having no proposition whatever for why any such "perfect" God would have the least motive to create us in the first place - nor any semblance of an idea about we would be doing for ALL ETERNITY when we die. A perfect God doesn't need any help of course. (Chuck Palahniuk: Perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden must have gotten so boring that eating the apple was justified.") And to say only something like "Anything's possible for God." is to, embarrassingly, abdicate on this whole discussion from the outset; we each already know that anything not a logical contradiction (no square circles) is possible. A perfect God could always exist, just as religion so pathetically insists absolutely is so. The question here is not, what is possible. (We can all, always default to the "anything's possible" position; that get's us nowhere in this entire consideration. The question is, what makes the most sense - putting aside our intense, self-interested emotion on this most critical of issues.

Eternal consciousness in and of itself is an asinine concept, to say nothing of some purported eternal bliss. And even the idea of this life's horrific travail as "a test" which this perfect God has put before us, doesn't make any sense. God would be atemporal, and thus would already know the future. God would already know who is, and who is not, going to pass such tests. No truly benevolent being would then implement all such unspeakable testing of us, if the outcome were already known - unless the power to avoid all same were lacking: if God is not really "God." Chaucer, on Augustine's mutual exclusives: "The question given God's omniscient view, is, must what he foresees perforce come true? Or, is free choice of action granted me, to do a thing or let it be?" Free will, like random genetic variations, is itself an offshoot of quantum happenstance - that of which the universe simply is. (Evolution is not compatible with any "God," and a "design," if gene mutaions are indeed random.)

Face it: this life is a terrifying, bloodletting runaway, natural-disaster, train ride with nobody at the controls. We say "God helps those who help themselves" because we KNOW that no God is going to help us one bit in any event. We all have to live in this same awful circumstance - and it does make us quite crazy, though we cannot acknowledge the fact. Thomas Wolfe: "Man was born to live, to suffer and to die. What be falls him is a tragic lot. There is no denying this in the final end, but we must deny it all along the way."

The concept of "nothing": no-thing, is a misnomer, an unfounded concept. Counterintuitive though it be for us, there never was "nothing" - and thus, there never was "something from nothing." Energy is fundamental (albeit Feynman: "We have no idea what energy really is."), and intelligence: our misbegotten intelligence, VERY gradually arose from it. And, our oh-so-important question "Why?" is ultimately, dreadfully, not relevant. (Neither science - which is nothing more than consistent thinking - nor religion: willfully, embarrassingly, childishly, inconsistent thinking, ever tells us any "why."

Dead is quite obviously dead. Upon death, will your "spirit" - clearly in the brain, if such a ridiculous thing were to actually be - otherwise come out your nose perhaps, and expand to the size of the universe of something? Becker again: "Man, he wants to be a God, but has the origins of a worm." Worms are entities with which he share fifty percent of our DNA, by the way.) Our lives are ultimately meaningless (including that of my own precious son, for whom I would die in a moment). Now lets all quit being so self-righteously, self-important, and grow up. Nietzsche: "Faith, is not wanting to know the truth."

Thank you for reading anyone. (After all, us humans each MUST have such "validation from others: for a very sense of a "self.") *smile*Chuck Ramsay

P.S. We do then, in this nihilistic existence, vilify one another (and kill one another) in a vain attempt to bolster our own significance - knowing "deep down" what a hopeless situation we are in. (Becker once more - commenting on the upshot of Melville's Billy Budd: "Man needs desperately, to make panic look like reason.") Human craziness is precisely that of not being able to admit the human condition as it hopelessly is, instead, reverting to a lifelong pre-adolescent fantasy about one's centraility and cosmic importance - all yet, acted out here on mere earth, as we eat, fight, procreate and deficate: as animals. (And speaking of "love": read up on Robert Triver's Reciprocal Altruism. Mortimer Adler: "I wonder if people ever ask themselves why love is so tied to reproduction; and if they do, I wonder what answer they give."

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โˆ™ 8y ago

To "freak out" means someone has reacted strongly to something they heard, read, or saw. Other people often think the reaction is much stronger than what it should be.


  • You should have seen my mother freak out when she saw the mustard stain on my new coat.
  • My boyfriend freaks out over the smallest things.
  • I freaked out when a mouse ran across my foot.
  • The teacher had a freak out moment when students hid all the chalk.
  • I about freaked out to see my old boyfriend at the party.
  • Mom had a major freak out when she saw how much texting I did last month.
  • Her aunt freaks out over a hangnail.
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โˆ™ 14y ago

People go crazy because they may hav a few problems and it effects the way they act or speak.

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