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Body temperature is an individual thing. The average body temp for people is 98.6 degrees, but that is only the average. Some people's body temp is 97 degrees and would be feverish at 98.6. The human metabolism will increase and decrease in speed depending on many different things. Could be almost anything, different medications will speed up or slow down metabolism which us humans being endothermic usually maintain a constant temperature usually between 96.4-98.8. 97.4-98.6 being an average for a healthy human all year around (I am attempting to give you a broader range with the #-#). Once you start to hit 99.6, you are considered running a fever for any number of reasons, usually illness or in some cases heat stroke (but heat strokes tend to make you quite a bit hotter, we are talking about your body cooking itself). Temperature might be constantly maintained in endothermic animals by means of using ones own chemical process to keep within temperature parameters for life to function, but still varies of course. Fatigue or simply the sleep response will decrease body temperature, ever have a rough day at work and your muscles hurt so you just want to lay down then sleep? That's because it is the body's way of repairing itself, the sleep response is triggered by a number of things which in turn decreases your body temperature to help settle down for rest. That is only one possible reason which happens quite often for anyone at anytime during the day. Another main possibility is body mass and muscle to fat ratio, the more fat you have on you the warmer you will be, seeing it is extra fuel to be burned and also acts as personal insulation. The bigger you are, the more energy it requires to run you, the more raw material converted into energy in which more heat is produced. Also, the more active you are and the more you challenge your body to do some work and burn that fuel you have stocked up the more heat you will naturally produce as a by-product of simple processes like air to carbon dioxide and fat to carbs/calories to energy (vice versa too[only for the "fat to carbs/calories to energy" though]). Could be something as simple as the temperature that you are relatively used to being in. Someone from Florida that is used to 75-100 degrees in the Autumn goes up to Ohio and complains about it being cold, where as the Ohioan says its nice n warm or slightly nippy at 50-70 degrees. It is estimated that 76 degrees (no wind) is the average comfort level for most Humans(assuming you are not wearing clothing). I cant say that Gender plays an extremely significant role in determining who diffuses body heat at a faster rate. If i had to guess i would say the guy would retain heat better than a woman of the same age and height with average build seeing men tend to be a bit more dense and have a larger torso to retain most of their heat where most metabolism takes place. This is a very very broad question to be answered by us telling you alone. There are about a million different variables can that contribute to body temperature and perception(personal tolerance if you will) of warm and cold. The main influences (I hope iIgot some of the major ones) are the ones I mentioned above that adjust the temperature of a endothermic animal on a larger and more frequent scale than others. At all times your body receives information from sensory input and adjusts you to compensate for the variances in the immediate environment(this should be the biggest one). Example being when in a cold environment your body involuntarily shivers as a precaution to keep you active and warm. Keep in mind that there is alot about the human that we do not understand yet, there are a ton of mechanisms from our ancestors that have been built into us from many years of experiencing the same thing over and over. The unknown could be a reason that influences temperature, I do not know, just throwing out of the box answers as a possible cause. It would be best if you would go to a search engine and look this up, its your best bet on finding a complete explanation to such a large and uncertain question. Sorry for the run on sentences, my English is getting a bit rusty. Someone fix anything in this post soon as they see it and dont like it.

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2mo ago

Some people may feel the cold more than others due to differences in factors such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, metabolism, and blood circulation. Individuals with lower body fat and muscle mass may have less insulation, making them more susceptible to feeling cold. Additionally, differences in how efficiently the body regulates temperature can contribute to variations in cold sensitivity among individuals.

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14y ago

The human body generates its own heat through metabolism [burning calories] of the food we eat into a usable cell energy called ATP - adenosine triphosphate.

General formula; C6 H12 O6 + O2 = ATP + H2O + CO2 + heat

If we are very active with aerobic exercises such as running, hiking and jogging, calorie burning is increased, ergo so is heat. Enough intensity in any activity or exercise will generate a lot of heat to the point where we need to get rid of some heat via ...... sweating!

Most but not all older people lose muscle mass - tone, ( muscles being great calories burners and heat producers ) and become sedentary and physically unfit. Intense activities are all but eliminated. They will not generate a lot of heat just sitting around on their butts, walking at 1.5 MPH or sleeping. I do not think you will see a lot of old people sweating from over exercise.

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