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The process of the canonization of the Old and New Testaments was complex and lengthy and was developed over many centuries.

The Old Testament (also known as Hebrew Bible) as a whole was canonized circa 100 CE while the Torah (first 5 books of OT) was canonized circa 400 BCE.

In the early centuries of the Christian church, there was no single New Testament canon that was universally recognized.

By the 4th and 5th centuries the existing 27-book canon of the New Testament was widely accepted with a few exceptions. Over time this was accepted by the Christian churches.

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Q: Who compiled the books in the bible into one single book?
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The Book of Psalms.

How many books have the bible?

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How many books does the Bible have?

The Protestant Bible has 66 books in total and Catholic Bible has 73 books. The Protestant Old Testament has 39 books. The Catholic Old Testament includes 7 additional books (e.g. Baruch, Tobit, Judith, etc.) in additional to extra chapters in book of Daniel. The Hebrew Bible includes the same books as the Protestant Old Testament but combines a number of books (e.g. Twelve minor prophet books are a single book). And the New testament has 27 books both in the Protestant and Catholic Bibles.