The hypothesis of the question is perplexing.
In the secular, political realm, in Israel for example, women are full citizens, have
full legal and voting rights, and serve as members of the nation's parliament, and
Golda Meir was the country's Prime Minister ... one of the first female national political
leaders in modern times.
In the religious realm, there are countless female presidents, vice presidents, board
members and chairpersons of boards of directors, and chairpersons of every imaginable
committee, in synagogues throughout the USA, Canada, and in Jewish communities
around the world. In the Conservative and Reform streams of modern Judaism, women
are ordained as pulpit rabbis, and lead services as cantors in many larger congregations.
Just Cause...
The sisterhood, led by the president of the sisterhood.
The Jewish leaders that interpret God's will are called Mashiach.
The Kohenim (priests), however, they weren't leaders of the Jewish people, they were in charge of the Temple.
A Jewish "leader" is a Rabbi which means teacher.
Jewish women lived everywhere.
The perform the wedding ceremony.
Women leaders are not bad because anything that boys do girls can do better. Women leaders are gr8 and don't you forget it!! - Jennifer Austin
The Jewish leaders whom you're asking about are called Rabbis. Each Rabbi may lead a synagogue (Jewish place of prayer) and/or a Jewish community.
The Rabbis and sages. See also:Important Jewish leaders, prophets and rabbis
Yes, they do like Jewish women.