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A theistic religion is one that believes in one or more Gods. A monotheistic religion, like Christianity or Islam, believes in one God. A polytheistic religion, like Hinduism, believes in many Gods. A theist describes a person who believes in a God or many Gods. The opposite would be an atheist, who does not believe in God.

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A theistic religion is a belief system that revolves around the existence of one or more gods or deities. Followers of theistic religions typically believe in a divine power that governs the universe and guides human life. Examples of theistic religions include Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism.

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What does non theistic mean?

Non-theistic refers to beliefs or perspectives that do not involve a belief in a deity or gods. Non-theistic philosophies, such as atheism and agnosticism, do not attribute supernatural powers or beings to the universe.

Differentiate the theistic and atheistic approach?

Theistic approach asserts belief in the existence of a higher power or gods, while atheistic approach denies the existence of any deities or higher powers. Theistic beliefs often involve worship, prayer, and adherence to religious teachings, while atheistic beliefs focus on reason, evidence, and the natural world for understanding existence.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of looking at human nature at the theistic point of view?

Advantages: The theistic view may offer a sense of purpose, moral guidance, and a framework for understanding human existence through a divine perspective. Disadvantages: It can be restrictive and may lead to close-mindedness towards alternative viewpoints. It may also raise questions about the problem of evil and the existence of suffering in the world.

What does the word theistic mean?

Theistic refers to the belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially a personal god who interacts with and influences the world. It is the opposite of atheistic, which denotes a lack of belief in any gods.

What are you if you have no belief?

If you have no belief in any deity or higher power, you are considered an atheist. If you have no belief in any specific religious doctrine or organized religion, you may be described as non-religious or secular.

Related questions

The definition of theistic?

Someone who is "theistic" is a believer in the Creator God, regardless of which religion s/he identifies with.

Is buddhimsm monotheistic or polytheistic?

Buddhism is not a theistic religion. There is no deity.

What is the term for a religion that does not have a god Buddhism for example?

Non-theistic is the term used for any religion that does not believe in a god.

Which religion believes in God most?

All theistic religions believe in a god or gods.

Who is the god that buddists believe in?

Buddhism is a non-theistic religion. It does not deal with belief or disbelief in God.

How are theistic religions identified?

Not all religions are "theistic".A religion is not a theism.Theism, though, just about always causes the formation of a religion.It might help to look up "theism", which is a belief...and compare it to "religion," which is an organized system...They're not mutually exclusive terms.There are polytheistic religions too. And nontheistic religions.

How does kindness is your religion bumper sticker show tolerance?

By suggesting that you don't judge people automatically based on their theistic preference.

What ethical laws do agnostics follow?

Typically humanist, but if they have chosen theistic beliefs despite their absence of knowledge in that area those of the religion they chose.

Did Aristotle write about a theistic God?

Theistic means God, like saying holy God. So yes, he did. If, however, you mean "Did he write about a single God?" then no, he did not. In his time, polytheism was the only religion to Aristotle. There were Gods in everything and monotheism had not yet taken hold in Rome.

What are three categories of religion?

Theistic - believes in a God or gods Agnostic - does not believe it possible to know if there is a god (or gods) Atheistic - believes there is no god or gods.

Can creationism ever refer to non-theistic origins?

Answer By definition creationism is theistic.

What was the earliest religion of the Turkish people?

While history has marred them as being predominately Islamic, the Turkish peoples' original theistic beliefs were Shamanistic in nature.