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What kind of turtle is it? Turtles like painted turtles and slider turtles should be fine. But turtles like musk, mud, or soft shell turtles would have trouble reaching the surface to breath. Do some research on your turtle and find out what their habitat should be. Deep or shallow.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

A baby turtle does not need a tank as their mother lays their eggs in the sand near the ocean where they live.

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Q: Does a baby turtle need a big tank?
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Do you need a tank for a turtle?

It depends what kind of turtle it is.Some turtles do not need water and can be kept in a room,or big area.

What sized tank do you need to keep a normal sized turtle?

You only need one that your turtle can swim in and if you get one to big it is okay they adapt to there inviorment

What do you need to have a turtle as a pet?

You need somethink like a hampster tank With Big Rocks and Water in a container the turtle can suck on also need turtle food im not sure where you can get it but try Rite Aid

Would you be able to put your little turtle in the tank with your big turtle?

no the big turtle would eat him

How big of a tank do baby red eared slider turtles need?

A baby red-eared slider does not need a big tank. However, turtles grow fairly quickly, so, if you buy a tiny tank, you will have to buy a larger one when the turtle grows. So, to save money, you might want to just buy a large, adult-sized tank, and let the turtle grow into it. When I first got my red-eared slider (two and a half years ago), she was only a hatchling, about the size of a silver dollar (like, an inch and a half). At first, I got her a tiny tank (see the Related Link). When she grew too big for that, I got her a tank that was 12 inches long and 10 inches wide. Then she grew too big for that, so, now she lives in a tank that is 20 inches long and 12 inches wide.

What do you do when your turtle gets too big for your tank and you have the biggest tank available?

put it in your backyard or a pond

How big of a tank should painted turtles have?

That depends on the size of the turtle and the size of your tank. If the turtle is the size of your palm or smaller then fill the tank no more than 2-3 times his height (as if he were standing all the way up on his back two feet). If the turtle is larger than that you can fill a tank up to around 2 feet deep. Make sure the turtle has a spot where he can get out of the water easily to bask under a light.

Do turtles have to have a big area to live?

it depends if the turtle is small if its small it can live in small places example a small fish tank with some rocks in it a big turtle should live in a large tank with rocks in it

Do you need a male apple snail to hatch an egg?

no you need a turtle.....a BIG turtle

Can your 5 inched turtle get stressed out in a gallon tank?

A 5 inch sized turtle is too big for a gallon sized tank. They need more room to swim and the filtration needs more water than that for a turtle that size. I have a 5 inch male red eared slider in a 29 gallon aquarium and I consider that to be the smallest tank I would recommend.

How big of a tank can an alligator snapping turtle live in?

alagotor prefers ponds.

Can you put a small turtle in a big fish tank with aggressive fish in it?

Yes you can.