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Q: Who is Tim Hortons Manager near Tenth Line in Orleans?
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Is Line manager functional manager?


Is improving job performance relates to line manager or staff manager?

I think its line manager responsibility

What does a assembly-line manager do?

The assembly-line manager or supervisor is only responsible for the line that he or she oversees

Who should have more of a say during negotiations for resources the project manager or the line manager?

Ofcourse line manager

Illustrate the HR management responsibilities of line and staff managers?

Line manager A manager who is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing the organization's tasks. Staff manager A manager who assists and advises line managers.

Is line manager capitalized when in a sentence?

No, "line manager" is not capitalized when used in a sentence unless it begins the sentence.

What does line manager do?

line manager can issue order to the suubordinates or other managers. a line manager is responsible for the basiic function of an organization that heko the organization to run /exit(sales /marketing /preduction)

What is meant by a direct line manager?

A line manager, sometimes called a direct manager, is a person who directly manages other employees and is responsible for the administrative management of the individual as well as the functional management. If someone refers to their "boss" they mean the individual who is their line manager.

What is the difference between project manager and line manager?

A Project Manager manages the work taken up by a single project whereas the Line Manager will be managing the work taken up by a line of projects. Usually projects in organizations are aligned based on the line of business, catered to, by the project. Hence, they will have a Line Manager who manages all those projects The Line manager will interact/liase with the Project Managers who manage the projects that fall in his line.

What do a assembly line do?

The assembly-line manager or supervisor is only responsible for the line that he or she oversees

What are the release dates for Hook Line and Dinner - 2011 New Orleans 1-2?

Hook Line and Dinner - 2011 New Orleans 1-2 was released on: USA: June 2011

One tenth of a line is 5 and a half cm What is the line's total length?
