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Houston, Texas

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Q: What City produces most egg rolls US?
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What United States city produces most of the egg rolls sold in grocery stores in the United States?

Houston, Texas

What United States city are the most egg rolls consumed?


Why are egg rolls called egg rolls if it don't have eggs in it?

This is because the egg rolls are dipped into egg so it is part egg. that`s why it is called Egg Rolls

Does Easter egg roll day have anything to do with egg rolls?

No, not at all. Easter egg rolls are rolls of Easter eggs, not egg rolls of Easter.

What is an asian-style meat appetizer called?

One of the most famous Asian appetizers are Egg Rolls. There are many different ways to prepare egg rolls. You can make them with vegetables, meat. You can even make breakfast egg rolls. If you are interested in making this, go to and type in "Breakfast Egg Rolls". I have made these and they're delicious! Bon Appetite'!

What restaurant what egg rolls be found in?

Egg rolls are usually served in Chinese restaurants.

What is the most well known Chinese food?

Probably egg rolls and fried rice. :)

When do you eat Chinese egg spring rolls?

You eat Chinese egg rolls during the Chinese New year.

Can you bake egg rolls?


Are egg rolls healthy?


Who produces the most eggs in ohio?

Ohio is the second largest state in egg laying in the nation. Decostor produces the most eggs in Ohio.

What is the strangest thing in japan?

The strangest thing in Japan is probably the egg rolls. they taste weird. the American egg rolls taste better.