Scientific name: Rotula aquaticaRussian name: Pотула водная (Rotula vodianaya)English name: Aquatic rotulaFrench name:​​​​​​​​​ Rotule aquatique
Himeroconcha rotula was created in 1894.
It means, "Put titles on each poster using [It's 'usando,' not 'usandro'] ) the words from the box/bulletin board/cubby(?) [the square compartment or division on the wall]."
The spelling pattern "ol" often represents the long o sound in English, as in words like "roll" and "mold." This is just one of the many ways English words can be spelled to represent a particular sound.
What does Kayla mean in english
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What mean in lazo in english
well it depends on what you mean by english if you mean english subtitles than YES, but if you mean spoken in english NO
What does oh a waste mean in English
what does numerous mean in English
The question "Por que la pregunta mean in English" translates to "Why does the question mean in English?" in English.
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