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Yes, Tribal people have a more natural, environmentally friendly way of life than those who live in urban areas. This may depend on the tribe though. Some tribal communities may live a way of life that may not be very safe for ecosystems, like slash and burn farming techniques. However, tribal communities are usually still much more eco-friendly because many of them do not rely completely on electrical items (like cell phones or computers).

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3d ago

Tribal communities often have a deep connection with nature and practice sustainable lifestyles that are in harmony with the environment. They rely on traditional knowledge to live off the land and typically have a lower ecological footprint compared to urban dwellers who consume more resources and produce more waste. However, it's essential to recognize that the impact of any group on the environment can vary based on specific practices and adaptations.

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Q: Do tribals lead a far more eco-friendly life than people who live in urban areas?
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