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Impossible to answer. Currently, organ donors don't have to register with any central database - they simply need to complete a small card, and carry it with them at all times.

There are plans to change the system so people 'opt out' by carrying a suitably-worded card - That way, the number of organs available will be much higher - since 'implied consent' can be used by medical staff to take organs from terminally ill people. (Although the wishes of the next of kin will always be sought)

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As of January 2021, there are over 27 million people in the UK who have signed up to the NHS Organ Donor Register. This represents a significant increase in registered donors compared to previous years.

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How many heartsdo people have?

People have one heart. The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues and removing waste products.

How many people need a transplant every year?

Around 100,000 people in the United States are currently on the waiting list for an organ transplant. However, the number of people needing a transplant worldwide may vary depending on the region and availability of organ donors.

How many people die from pellagra each year?

In modern times, pellagra is rare and deaths from the condition are extremely rare due to the availability of niacin-fortified foods and increased awareness. However, if left untreated, pellagra can be fatal, typically from complications such as infections or organ failure.

Is it correct my question how many people are you at home?

No. The best-working grammatically correct form of your question is "How many people are at your home?" Also acceptable are "How many people are you at home with?" "How many people are at home with you?" "With how many people are you at home?" and "With whom are you at home?"

How many people die a year from Cushing. Sydrome?

Cushing's syndrome is a rare condition caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol. It does not typically result in death directly, but complications related to the condition such as heart disease, infections, or organ failure can lead to mortality. The exact number of deaths specifically attributed to Cushing's syndrome per year is unknown.

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Why many people are against donating their organs?

Some people may be against donating their organs due to religious or cultural beliefs that conflict with organ donation. Others may have mistrust in the medical system or fear that they won't receive adequate care if they are registered as organ donors. Additionally, some individuals may have concerns about how their organs will be used or who will receive them.

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Organ transplants are risky for many reasons. One reason is due to the fact that the body can reject the donor organ and cause complications.

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Many people with diabetes are not good candidates for a pancreas transplant. Others do not have tissue compatibility with the donor organ. People who are successfully controlling their diabetes with insulin injections are usually not considered.

How many times can an organ be transplanted?

Usually organs are just transplanted the once, since transplanting them again would increase the chances of organ failure for the next person to get it (particularly if it were a heart). Also, for an organ such as the kidneys, if they are transplanted once they will also be subjected to having to filter out many immunosuppressants and other drugs that the patient is required to take. Over time this does diminish their function, making them unsuitable for retransplantation.

Can a recovering druggie be an organ donor if he or she has been sober long enough?

Anybody can register as an organ donor. However, if you are asking whether your organs would actually be considered for use upon your death (assuming you died in a suitable way), there is nothing to rule you out from becoming an organ donor, so longs as your organs are still functioning and you do not have any significant medical problems (e.g any form of hepatitis, vCJD, HIV etc...)

What percentage of people are organ donors?

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Can you give an organ?

Yes you can, but there is a process involved. Many states have a small card that people carry to give permission if there is an accident that their organs can be harvested for those who need them.

Its for science homework Why dont some people like organ donations?

There are a few different reasons that I know of. Some people are just uncomfortable with the idea their organs being taken out of their body, even though they are no longer alive. Many people have religious beliefs that do not allow their body to be manipulated in such a fashion, in life or death.Unfortunately, the most frequent answer I hear is not very factual.... I can't promise you it's true, and it may be just a rumor (I like to think it is). They say that if you are a registered organ donor, and you are in a life threatening situation, like a bad car crash, doctors and EMTs will not try as hard to save your life because they can use your organs to save or improve many other sick people's lives. I myself am a registered organ donor. I believe in helping those people... what do I need my organs for if I'm no longer alive?

Why does Carly Patterson have an organ donor commercial did she die?

Carly Patterson is a "very much alive" spokesperson for the Taylor (Storch) Foundation, a foundation promoting organ donation. Taylor is a thirteen year-old who died in a ski accident and whose parents graciously donated her organs and other tissues saving and enhancing many lives a couple of years ago. Carly is signed up to be an organ donor upon her death, if the situation of her death allows her to do so (few deaths do as it requires special circumstance in which organs are still vital but the brain is not). The public service announcement is confusing, however, as it implies that Carly has already helped someone by donating an organ, which would make her either a living donor or already deceased. I am a living kidney donor, and was quite confused by the Public Service announcement. I absolutely believe in organ donation and the need to promote, but I think this particularly ad is misleading and confusing.