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Q: How many pounds uncooked beans does it take to feed 50 people?
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How many pounds of uncooked rice to feed 200 people?

it really depends on what type of beans and the portion size

How many pounds of whole uncooked green beans to feed 200?

I would use 50 pounds, assuming there are other vegetables.

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I would do 22 pounds of beans

How many pounds of red beans to feed 500?

About 125 pounds of beans

How many baked beans feed 30 people?

Approximately 7.5 pounds

How many institutional size cans of green beans to feed 100 people?

I would use 25 pounds of fresh green beans for 100 people

How much uncooked rice do you need to feed 200 people?

about. 7000g.

How many people will forty pounds of frozen green beans feed?

Well... i would say about... ICVXXIIVX in Roman Numerals...

How many cans of green beans are needed to feed 15 people?


How many lbs of raw beans to feed 325 people?

By raw, I'm assuming you mean dried beans. Since beans about double, you'll get about 2 pounds of cooked beans from 1 pound of dry. A normal serving of vegetables is 1/2 cup but if you want to be generous plan for 1 cup. That means you'll need to end up with 325 cups or 20 pounds of beans. So start with 10 pounds of dry beans.

How many pounds of pinto beans are needed to feed 200 people?

Five pounds four persons per pound for regular serving.

How many cups o uncooked rice pe person?

1 1/2 cups of rice will feed 3 people so long as it is being served with something else. Do the math. You askewd for information on uncooked rice. Usual for 100 persons is 8 pounds raw rice, up to 10-11 pounds for a main dish such as biryani.