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Q: Is culture and structure antynoms
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Four distinct characteristics of any society are?

Four distinct characteristics of any society are its culture, social structure, economy, and politics. Culture includes beliefs, customs, and traditions. Social structure refers to the organization of individuals within the society. Economy involves the production and distribution of resources. Politics refers to the organization and governance of the society.

What culture did the Iroquoian have?

The Iroquoian culture includes Native American tribes such as the Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, and Oneida. They were known for their confederacy of nations, the Great Law of Peace, and longhouses, as well as their matrilineal social structure and agricultural practices.

How do society and culture differ?

Society refers to the group of people living together in a community, while culture encompasses the beliefs, values, behaviors, and traditions that this group of people shares. Society involves the organization and relationships among individuals, while culture shapes the way these individuals think, act, and interact. Essentially, society is the structure, while culture is the essence.

What topics or areas of interest go into understanding a given culture?

To understand a given culture, one must consider its history, beliefs, customs, language, art, cuisine, social structure, and values. Studying these topics can provide insight into the norms, behaviors, and mindset of the people within that culture.

The cultural values that largely define a culture?

Cultural values that largely define a culture include beliefs, norms, and practices that are considered important and guide behavior within that culture. These values influence how individuals within the culture interact with one another, make decisions, and perceive the world around them. They are often passed down through generations and help shape the identity and social structure of a society.