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Q: Surveys tell us that most people think large differences in pay are necessary to get people to work hard. This opinion illustrates an argument closest to which approach?
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Why is race and ethnicity discrimination more important than gender discrimination?

There may be some individuals who make the argument that racial and ethnic discrimination are more important than gender discrimination because the disparities between the minority classes and the "discriminator" class are more pronounced than the gender differences, but this strikes me as a silly argument. Racial and ethnic discrimination, although more disparate, is less entrenched than gender discrimination, especially as concerns men who join traditionally female gender positions. The idea that a Black person could become a successful lawyer or doctor does not seem as "ridiculous" as an educated WASP man choosing to be a house-husband.

How does Carnegie use the doctrine of social Darwinism to support his argument?

because it made him a successful person and he was inspired by it because of that

What can be a strong counter argument about not having to wear uniforms?

Uniforms stifle the creativity of a student by forcing them to abandon a major form of self-expression: clothing choice.

What argument against corporate social responsibility does Milton Friedman make?

that making business managers simultaneously responsible to business owners for reaching profit objectives and to society for enhancing societal welfare represents a conflict of interest

What are some social issues or concerns that might affect a teenagers life?

-drug/alcohol abuse -guns -wars -poverty -flu disease -sex -parent argument -education -language -terrorism -racism -violence -gender Hope this helps =) peace

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What illustrates the rhetorical element ethos?

This is speaking about the things that are ethical to you. There is often a little bit of personal opinion and history in the argument.

What are limits in maths?

Limits (or limiting values) are values that a function may approach (but not actually reach) as the argument of the function approaches some given value. The function is usually not defined for that particular value of the argument.

The best way to view organizational behavior is through contingency approach build an argument to support this statement?

Contingency Approach: 'an approach that says that organisations are different, face different situations and require different ways of managing'.

discuss briefly the similarities and differences between strong and weak arguments and cogent and uncogent argument support your discussion with your own examples?

discuss briefly the similarities and differences between strong and weak arguments and cogent and uncogent argument support your discussion with your own examples

What does it mean to dream others arguing like a little fighting?

The dream illustrates a struggle you are having with yourself. The argument represents a choice or decision that you are trying to make, and how you are "fighting" with yourself.

What is an argument in favor of affirmation action?

legislation is necessary to allow minorities to overcome generations of discrimination

Which sentence best illustrates the author's central argument in this passage?

u are support to answer it not me

Is it true that a necessary feature of an argument is that it involves a moral topic?

Moral topics needn't be a necessary or essential feature of an argument. Material topics are most often very good to be argued about. Only that meaningful arguments involve some topic, moral or material.

Why it is necessary to critique a scientific argument before it is accepted.?

The purpose of the critique is to insure that the scientific argument has been properly researched and investigated and no possible alternate arguments have been ignored.

Why it is necessary to critique a scientific argument before it is accepted?

The purpose of the critique is to insure that the scientific argument has been properly researched and investigated and no possible alternate arguments have been ignored.

What exactly is an ontological argument?

It is a philosophical argument that God exists. While many philosopher's theories had many differences in derivation and reasoning, the conclusion to all ontological arguments was that the superior being of God is a reality.

How do you have judge rule in your favor?

By having the most convincing argument backed up by the facts necessary to prove your innocence.