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3.united states,




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Q: What are the 6 countries with the highest populations?
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What 3 city's have the highest population density in south America?

There are many countries in South America with high populations. The cities with the highest populations are Sao Paulo, Bogota, Santiago, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, and Caracas.

Which countries have the highest population in Europe?

Monaco, Vatican City, Malta, San Marino, and the Netherlands have the highest population densities. Russia, Germany, France, United Kingdom, and Italy have the highest populations.

What are the 5 countries with the largest populations?

List the 5 countries with the largest populations & their relative populations?

Which country has the highest population between Niger Mali Chad and Benin?

== The countries listed in the question are actually listed in the order of their populations from most populous to least. Use the link below see a list of the countries of the world and their populations if you wish to have actual numbers.

What two countries account for one third of the human population?

India and China have the highest populations in the world, with over one billion people each.

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There are 57 different countries having major Muslim populations.

What are two countries that have large Kurdish populations?

Two countries with large Kurdish populations are Turkey and Iran. Turkey has the largest Kurdish population, estimated to be around 15-20 million. Iran also has a significant Kurdish population, estimated to be around 6-8 million.

What countries have populations over 39 million?

There are 35 countries with populations over 39 million. A few of the countries are South Korea, Colombia, Ukraine, and Spain. Sudan is the 35th.

Where in the Us and Europe are the highest populations found?

US and Europe

Which nationalities have the highest prevalence of cleft lip?

North American Indians and Japanese (about one in 350 births). There is a higher frequency of clefting in certain populations of Scandinavia and Middle European countries.

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Which two European countries have populations between 59 and 60 million?

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Midwest and Northeast