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12 % of babies born are premature

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Q: What is the percentage of premature births in America?
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Related questions

What is the prevalence of premature labor in the United States?

It is estimated that around 10% of births in the United States occur during the premature period.

Had several premature births will my twins be born prematurely?

You do have an increased risk of delivering prematurely.

What are the causes of premature births?

Causes of premature birth, multiple gestation, infection,sex, fall,incompetent cervix, placenta previa, abruptio placenta and eclampsia.

What percentage of preterm and low birth weight births are unexplained?

The percentage of preterm and low birth weight births that are unexplained is unstable. The percentage is constantly on the rise.

What is the percentage of home birth in Yorkshire UK?

The percentage of home births for North Yorkshire in 2009 was 1.8% The percentage of home births for the UK in 2009 was 2.57%

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What is corioamnionitis?

I have had 2 premature babies. The doctors said that Coriaomnionitis is the leading cause of premature births in the united states. It is a bacteria that attacks the membranes in your womb causing prematurity.

What are the common causes of premature births?

Causes of premature birth, multiple gestation, infection,sex, fall,incompetent cervix, placenta previa, abruptio placenta and eclampsia.

What is the percentage of the spina bifida disease in births?

It is found in 1 in 1000 births or 1%.

What is the latest research on preventing prematurity or premature birth?

The latest research is a new medication (17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate) which may help to prevent spontaneous premature births.

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How rare is cerebral palsy?

Occurs in 1-5/5000 births - higher incidence in premature babies and boys