No. 32, $18 mil.: This PatriotsQB, dater of supermodels & winner of Super Bowls.
This question or these other questions with the same answer although in different categories are from Jeopardy shows
: In February 2005 this QB led the Patriots to their third Super Bowl win in 4 years, defeating the Eagles
In 2007 this Patriots QB from Michigan threw a single-season record 50 TD passes
A sixth-round draft pick in 2000, this Michigan man found a bit of success as a QB for the Patriots
Who is Tom Brady
All of the questions were located with a search for patriots on the related Web site for Jeopardy available under related links.
FRENCH PAINTERSThis French painter wrote, "I am good for nothing except painting and gardening"Monet
CHARACTERS IN POETRYThe name of this title heroine of an 1847 poem is from the Greek for "good news"Evangeline
see related link they have lots of good questions
$54,000. Math: 6($200+$400+$600+$800+$1000)+6($400+$800+$1200+$1600+$2000) Don't forget the 3 daily doubles and the final Jeopardy. The goof balls want them to come up last and be on the lowest dollar amount then they want you to bet it all on each time it came up and again on final Jeopardy. Like that would happen.
what are comics for girls in another language
Ancient Egypt lasted_________ long. What is true.
There are already a number of Jeopardy questions whose response concerned the events before after and during earthquakes even if the category was not earthquakes they are still good questions.
Phase OriginsThe final Category was Phase OriginsUS Tourism was the March 25 2010 answer that will be good on the site until when the puzzle changes at 3 AM EST March 27 and The Jeopardy answer for March 26 2010 of Phase Origins will be correct the rest of the week end.
yes the patriots are a good team because they kick but
The patriots strengths are good defense, a experienced quarterback, and a good coach, also good team support.
Use the Jeopardy Archive to get the questions and be good at using Powerpoint
The founding fathers were patriots