


Landslides are a geological event where large portions of ground break loose and slide down a slope. they can cause large amounts of damage, and are generally quite dangerous.

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How are mudflows and landslides different?

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Mudflows are a type of mass wasting event that involve the rapid movement of a saturated mixture of water and debris downhill. Landslides, on the other hand, involve the downward movement of rock, soil, and other material under the force of gravity. While both are triggered by factors like heavy rainfall or earthquakes, the main difference lies in the composition of the flowing material.

What is the difference between landslides and creep?

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Landslides are sudden, rapid movements of rock and soil down a slope, often triggered by heavy rainfall or human activities. Creep, on the other hand, is a slow, continuous movement of soil or rock downhill, typically caused by expansion and contraction of materials due to freeze-thaw cycles or wetting and drying.

What process is involved in landslides?

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Earthquakes are caused by the build up or accumulation of pressure (more correctly termed stress). This accumulation of stress causes the rocks that make up the crust to deform elastically

_sel 2011 apr 25

Does Neptune have landslides?

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Yes, Neptune does not have any solid land surfaces as it is a gas giant made up primarily of hydrogen and helium. Therefore, the concept of landslides like those seen on rocky planets like Earth does not apply to Neptune.

Definition of an election landslide?

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An election landslide typically refers to a situation where one candidate or political party wins by a very large margin, usually securing a significant majority of the votes or electoral college votes. This decisive victory often signals a clear mandate from the electorate and can impact the political landscape.

Compare and contrast landslides and mudflows?

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Landslides are when land breaks off of a mountain or hill and crumbles as it slides down destroying everything in its path. Mudflows are very similar to landslides but contain 60% of water.

What is the main cause of a landslide?

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The main cause of a landslide is typically excessive rainfall or snowmelt that saturates the ground, leading to instability and movement of the earth. Other factors such as deforestation, urbanization, and construction on steep slopes can also contribute to triggering landslides.

What was the biggest landslide in a presidential election?

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Asked by Herb123

The greatest modern landslides in the United States Presidential elections * 1920 - the greatest percentage point margin in the popular vote (Harding 60.3% to Cox 34.1%). * 1936 - the greatest electoral votes difference between winner and opponent (Roosevelt 523 to Landon 8). * 1964 - the highest percentage for winner (Lyndon Johnson 61.1%). * 1984 - the highest number of electoral votes (Reagan 525). * 1789 and 1792 - the highest percentage of Electoral College Votes (100% - George Washington was the only president to win a unanimous Electoral College victory. Washington received the maximum possible electoral votes in both the 1789 and 1792 election.)[2] Nixon (1972) and Reagan (1984) both won 49/50 states. For more information, see

How many people servied the abbotsford landslide?

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The Abbotsford landslide resulted in the tragic loss of four lives.

What was the date of Thredbo landslide?

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The Thredbo landslide occurred on July 30, 1997.

What happens during a landslide?

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During a landslide, large amounts of rocks, debris, and soil move downhill rapidly, often caused by heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or human activities. This can result in destruction of property, infrastructure, and vegetation, as well as potential loss of life. Landslides can vary in speed and size, ranging from slow gradual movements to fast and catastrophic events.

What causes landslide?

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Essentially, a landslide results from the failure of soil and rock on hillsides to remain securely in place, as for one reason or another, they lose cohesion. Another major force is gravity. Gravity causes stress for slope materials such as rocks and soil, because it is constantly acting to try to pull the materials downslope.

Any of the following factors can contribute to landslides:

  • Tree clearing and deforestation: with fewer trees and tree roots to secure the soil, landslides can more easily occur.
  • Earthquakes: earth tremors can destabilise hillsides.
  • Excessive rainfall: super-saturated soils can not hold up against gravity.
  • Use of landfill to build up hillsides and roadways: landfill is not a stable as solid ground or rock.
  • Mining activities, quarrying and excavation: blasting causes vibrations which can have the same effect as eartquakes and tremors, while undermining a slope causes instability.
  • Drought: drier soil is less cohesive than damp soil.

Why are the Siwalik are prone to landslide?

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The Siwalik region is prone to landslides due to its geological composition, which consists of soft rocks, loose sediments, and steep slopes. These factors make the area more susceptible to erosion and instability, leading to frequent landslides, especially during heavy rainfall or seismic events. Human activities such as deforestation and improper land use practices also contribute to the increased risk of landslides in the Siwalik region.

Why is shiwalik prone to landslides?

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The Shiwalik region is prone to landslides due to its hilly terrain, clay-rich soil, and heavy monsoon rainfall. The steep slopes and weak geological structure of the area contribute to frequent landslides, making it a high-risk zone for such natural disasters.

What does landslide mean?

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A landslide is a natural disaster that occurs when a mass of earth or rock moves downhill rapidly, typically due to heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or other factors. This movement can cause significant damage to property and pose a threat to human life.

What is an example of a landslide?

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An example of a landslide is the Oso landslide that occurred in Washington state in 2014. It involved the sudden movement of a large amount of earth and debris down a slope, causing destruction and loss of life in the surrounding area.

What part of the world is most known for landslides?

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Regions near tectonic plate boundaries, such as the Himalayas, Andes, and Pacific Ring of Fire, are known for frequent landslides due to seismic activity and steep terrain. Additionally, areas with heavy rainfall or deforestation, like Southeast Asia and Central America, can also experience high rates of landslides.

How can landslides be prevented?

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Landslides can be prevented by implementing measures like building retaining walls, installing drainage systems to control water flow, planting vegetation to stabilize slopes, and avoiding construction on steep or unstable terrain. Monitoring and early warning systems can also help alert communities to potential landslide risks.

The force that moves sediment in a landslide or mudflow is?

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Gravity is the force that moves sediment in a landslide or mudflow. When the force of gravity exceeds the strength of the material holding the sediment in place, the sediment starts to move downhill as a landslide or mudflow.

How do you write an acrostic poem for the word o?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write an acrostic poem for the word "O," start by brainstorming words or phrases that start with the letter O. Then, arrange these words vertically to create the backbone of your poem. Fill in each line with descriptive words or phrases related to the theme of your poem to complete the acrostic. Be creative and have fun with it!

What effects do earthquakes tsunamis and landslides have on the places they hit?

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Earthquakes can cause widespread damage, including infrastructure collapse, destruction of buildings, and loss of lives. Tsunamis, often triggered by earthquakes under the ocean, can flood coastal areas causing significant destruction and loss of lives. Landslides, triggered by seismic activity or heavy rainfall, can lead to the displacement of soil and rocks, resulting in property damage and the disruption of transportation networks. All these natural disasters have devastating impacts on the places they hit, including economic losses and long-term recovery and rebuilding challenges.

Can blizzards make a landslide?

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Blizzards by themselves usually do not directly cause landslides. However, heavy snowfall can increase the chances of a landslide if it accumulates on slopes and adds weight to unstable areas. Additionally, blizzards can create conditions of saturation and waterlogging, which can weaken the soil and potentially trigger landslides.

Is a landslide a good thing?

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A landslide is generally not considered a good thing. It can be destructive and pose a significant risk to human lives and infrastructure. However, landslides do play a role in shaping the landscape and natural processes, so they can have some positive ecological effects in certain contexts.

What are the structural and non structural mitigation measures for landslides?

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Structural mitigation measures for landslides include constructing retaining walls, installing rock bolts or soil nails, building terraces or benches to stabilize slopes, and implementing drainage systems to control water flow. Non-structural mitigation measures include land use planning to avoid building in high-risk areas, monitoring and early warning systems to detect landslide triggers, vegetation planting to improve slope stability, and education and awareness programs to inform communities about landslide risks and safety measures.

How do landslides affect human?

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Because Lamborghini murchalado's push them down.