


Southeast Asian country formerly named Burma but renamed Myanmar in 1989

500 Questions

Does Myanmar belong to SAARC?

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No, Mayanmar is not a member of the SAARC. But it is in observations till now.

What other name is the country of Burma know as?

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The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

What road was known as Burma road?

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Battle of Yunnan-Burma Road

What are people called in Myanmar?

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The main people of Myanmar are called Myanmar or Bamar. There are seven states in Myanmar and therefore there are Seven Main races of Myanmar. They are * Kachin * Kayah * Kayin * Chin * Mon * Rakhine * Shan

What plants grow in Burma?

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Myanmar, Burma

Main river in Myanmar?

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Ayeyarwady or Irrawaddy

Who is the president in Burma now?

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Ann san sukjy

How do the existing rulers react to the people of Myanmar's demands?

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Historically, Myanmar has been under military rule since 1962. It is a dictatorship in which no one has the right to vote and they have a very miserably life . In the 1970s, the military government brutally suppressed student protests at leading Burmese Academic Institutions. In the late 1980s, there was increasing pressure from the Burmese people for more democratic reforms. In May of 1990, there was a free and fair election that led to the NLD (National League for Democracy) winning 80% of the vote and the parliament seats. However, the military government refused to accept the results, imprisoned the NLD leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, in her own home, and strengthened their grip on power. This effectively served as a refusal of the people's demands.

Starting in 2007, the situation began to change. In 2007, monks protested the actions of the government in what became known as the Saffron Revolution. Although the Myanmar government violently repressed the incident, it had wide international coverage and served to further isolate Myanmar. In 2008, there was a constitutional referendum to push the country closer to democracy and in 2012, the NLD won 43 out of 45 vacant seats in the Burmese Parliament. It is unclear why the Myanmar government is taking this pro-democracy stance, but NLD leaders like Aung San Suu Kyi are using it as best they can to influence policy. Ms. Suu Kyi is currently the Leader of the Opposition in the Lower House of the Myanmar Parliament and no longer under house arrest.

Famous people from Myanmar and why there famous?

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because of the beautiful landmarks and of the power and trading that they had.

I want to know myanmar actor hein wai yan's biography?

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he don't wear any makeup or lip stick, born in may 12, 1989. weight 150 Lb and height 5'11".

How did Than Shwe come to power?

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Than Shwe cam to power in 1992, by rising through ranks of the Burma military. He is still in power as of hte present day, rumors say he will be giving up his power to the civilians of Burma this year.

What type of government does Myanmar have?

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Is Burma in the ring of fire?

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How many seasons in Myanmar?

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Asked by Aungmyinthan

There are three seasons in Burma, these are Summer season, Rainy Season and winter season. March- June is Summer season. July-October is Rainy Season and November to February is winter seasons.

Where is Yangon?

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It is the largest city and a former capital of Burma.

What is the name of Burma currency?

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The kyat is the currency of Myanmar/Burma. It is often abbreviated as "K", which is placed before the numerical value.

Is Rangoon the former capital of Burma?

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Rangoon is a city in Myanmar.

What is the usual size and weight of Burma gold bar?

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The standard gold bar size and weight from Burma circa World War 2 was 400 ounces or 27.5 pounds. While this was the standard dimensions of a Burmese gold bar back during World War 2, it remains pretty much the same today. In fact, these dimensions are also recognized in the United States, as well as other international countries.

Is Burma an oligarchy?

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No, it is a constitutional republic.

When did Burma join the British Empire?

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In 1948, amid considerable bitterness, as it was believed that there had been widespread and active collaboration between many Burmese and the Japanese in World War 2.