


Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease, caused by a protozoan parasite, that almost only affects women. Men can carry the parasite for several years without symptoms.

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What STDs are caused by a parasite?

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Any time that a parasite invades the body and causes symptoms, you've got a parasitic disease. There are, however, many different parasitic diseases.

For instance:

Toxoplasmosis- Infection of the brain, caused by Toxoplasma gondii.

Giardiasis- Infection of the small intestine, caused by Giardia lamblia.

Enterobiasis- Intestinal infection by pinworms.

Ascariasis- Digestive tract infection by Ascaris lumbricoides.

Schistosomiasis- Variable infection caused by some form of Schistosoma parasite.

Leishmaniasis- Cutaneous/membranous invasion spread by sandfly bite.

In addition, to the person who previously answered "parisitosis", this is technically correct, but entirely unhelpful.

parisit: parisite

-osis: any disease condtion of...

Does garlic cure trichomoniasis?

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No, but let me know how you get on.

Can a male have trichomoniasis without having symptoms?

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Yes, a male can have trich without having symptoms.

Is trichomoniasis dangerous to a unborn baby?

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Not if you get treatment.

What parts of the body does trichomoniasis affect?

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From google health effects are (see related link):


Discomfort with intercourse

  • Itching of the inner thighs
  • Vaginal discharge (thin, greenish-yellow, frothy or foamy)
  • Vaginal itching
  • Vulvar itching or swelling of the labia
  • Vaginal odor (foul or strong smell)
  • Burning after urination or ejaculation
  • Itching of urethra
  • Slight discharge from urethra

There are no serious long term effects on the body. Symptoms, per the related link are:

At times, symptoms in women may include the following:

  • abdominal distress
  • dyspareunia, or painful sexual intercourse
  • painful urination
  • vaginal discharge

In men, trichomoniasis can cause the following conditions:

  • epididymitis, which causes testicular pain
  • penile ulcers, or painful, open sores on the penis
  • urethritis, which causes painful urination

What dose of metronidazole cures trichomoniasis?

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750 mg of metronidazole is not enough to cure trich; 1 gm is minimum and 2 gm is usually prescribed.
2000 mg (2 gm) in one dose is enough flaygl to treat trich.
4-500 mg (2 gm) in one dose is enough flaygl to treat trich.

Can you get trichomoniasis from sharing underwear?

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It appears that trichomoniasis is one of the few STDs that can be caught through other means as well. Although the protozoan dies rapidly in dry conditions, it appears that you can be infected by sharing a washcloth with an infected person, or possibly by having your genitals come into contact with someone else's infected genital discharge.

What std can be transmitted by a damp towel?

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It is thought that trichomoniasis may rarely be transmitted by sharing wet washcloths or towels. Typical transmission, though, is through sexual intercourse.

What are some complications of trichomoniasis?

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Trich will cause mild irritation to severe inflammation in the genital area. Men with trich may have itching or irritation inside the penis, burning after urination or ejaculation, or some discharge from the penis. Women with trich may have itching, burning, redness or soreness of the genitals, discomfort with urination, or a thin discharge with a fishy smell, and a discharge that can be clear, white, yellowish, or greenish.
The symptoms of trichomoniasis can develop months later. the women and the men can be infectet. The symptoms in men are abnormal discharge, a burning feeling after urination; in women abnormal musty or fishy odor, pain, diskomfort etc.
The symptoms of trichomoniasis in women are foul-smelling vaginal discharge, pain with urination, and sometimes a red rash at the external genitals. Some women will not have symptoms at all. Men may have penile discharge or painful urination, or no symptoms.
See the information from the CDC for the symptoms of trich.
Tricchomonis is generally a std but it may be transmitted through no sexual contact with infected articles because it can last for a long time outside the body. Carriers of Tricchomonis vaginalis may be asymptomatic for many years until changes in vaginal or urethral conditions encourage an outbreak of the disease. A decrease in resident bacteria, injury to vaginal tissues and development of leisons from other std's or from cancer can activate the organism. Symptoms include redness,itching,swelling and burning of the genital area. Pain with intercourse and voiding and frothy, foul smelling discharge. Women are more susceptible to HIV if exposed. Women who are expectant are at risk for preterm delivery and low-birth weight babies.

When was trichomoniasis discovered?

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Alfred François Donné, 1801-1878, discovered both Trichomonas vaginalis and leukemia.

How is trichomoniasis diagnosed?

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- inflammation of the cervix, urethra, vagina

- itching/burning sensation

- discomfort during intercourse/urination

- yellow-green, itchy, foul-smelling, vaginal discharge

- lower abdominal pain


- irritation inside penis

- mild discharge

- slight burning after urination/ejaculation

Can u get trichomoniasis from a toilet seat or get sewage spilled on your pants where your penis is

Can you cure trichomoniasis without a prescription?

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Yes by antibiotics.
Trichomoniasis is normally curable with 2 grams of metronidazole. Problems with antibiotic resistance have been reported, and a person with continued or recurrent symptoms after treatment should return to their health care provider for reassessment.
Yes, it is sensible to some antibiotics. ---- Yes, trichomoniasis can be cured, however, if your sexual partner is not treated as well, you may become re-infected. Metronidazole is an effective antibiotic and comes in oral and gel forms.
Yes; the antibiotic flagyl (metronidazole) will cure trich.
The antibiotic flagyl (metronidazole) is taken to cure trich.
Trich (trichomoniasis) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a protozoa, and it is curable by the antibiotic flagyl (metronidazole).
You must take antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

What are the long-term and short-term effects of trichomoniasis?

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For 80-90% of women and half of men, chlamydia causes no symptoms at all. If someone has symptoms, the short-term effects may include genital discharge, pain with urination, and irritation at the urethral opening.

Untreated chlamydia can cause long-term effects include infertility and chronic pelvic pain.

Does cefdinir cure trichomoniasis?

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Diflucan won't treat or cure trich.

Does the trichomoniasis initially grow in women?

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Trichomoniasis can grow in males or females. It does not always start in women. However, it's easier to diagnose in women than in men.

Can a female give trichomoniasis to a male?

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Yes it is possible; about 50% of men are positive after having relations with an infected woman.
It is possible, but not likely that a man be negative for trichomoniasis and the woman positive.
Yes it is possible for the man to test negative for trichomoniasis and the woman positive; but is is not likely.

Does cephalexin cure trichomoniasis?

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I get frequent staph infections. I got my first in Korea 3 years ago and then my most recent around Christmas when I got a tattoo. I was shaving my pelvic area and noticed i shaved over and irritated a small hard lump. This lump then grew to be a volcanic looking blister and after a day it turned into a bunch of small blisters. my lymph nodes were swollen and i began running a fever. This was unlike any staph infection I've had in the past. I began researching and I think I fell victim to herpes. Just in case though I had some leftover Cephalexin from my last staph outbreak. I began taking it and the next day my fever went away, the redness and swelling of my lymph nodes subsided and the blisters began to shrink. I'm not sure that I have herpes or a staph infection. My last outbreak was cultured as staph but I haven't gone to the doctors for this because it seems to be going away with the antibiotics. I'd say it's worth a try if you can get your hands on some.
Cephalexin is more used for infections caused by bacteria. Herpes is caused by a virus so that won't do much for herpes break outs. For herpes you would need some thing that has antiviral medication.

Does ceftin cure trichomoniasis?

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No , ciprofloxacin is not used against protozoal infections , as Trichomonas is protozoan parasite , it cant be cured by ciprox but it is treeted by anti protozoal metronidazole .Trichomoniasis can usually be cured with the prescription drug metronidazole given by mouth in a single dose.

Ciprofloxacin (brand name: Cipro) -An antibioticthat stops multiplication of bacteria by inhibiting the reproduction and repair of their genetic material (DNA). Ciprofloxacin is used to treat infections of the skin, lungs, airways, bones, and joints that are caused by susceptible bacteria. Ciprofloxacin is also frequently used to treat urinary infections caused by bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Ciprofloxacin is effective in treating infectious diarrheas caused by E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni, and shigella bacteria.

Metronidazole (brand name: Flagyl) -An antibiotic , anti protozoal and anti amoebic used to fight infections caused by a class of bacteria called anaerobic bacteria as well as some protozoan parasites. Metronidazole is used for infections of the small intestine, amebic liver abscesses, dysentery and trichomonas vaginal infections. It also is used to treat infections of the colon caused by the bacterium, Clostridium difficile. Taking metronidazole with alcohol is dangerous as it can cause nausea, vomiting, cramps, flushing and headache. Pregnant mothers and nursing mothers should not use metronidazole. Side effects of metronidazole, although they are few, include seizures and nerve damage that can lead to numbness and tingling of the hands and feet.
It is not the drug of choice. Trichomoniasis can be treated successfully with a one-day or seven-day course of antibiotics. The antibiotic metronidazole is usually the antibiotic of choice. Sexual intercourse of any kind should be avoided until all symptoms disappear.

How does trichomoniasis affect your life?

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Trichomoniasis may be an annoyance, but not a significant health problem for most people. It does not cause more serious disease or affect future fertility. Pregnant women with trichomoniasis may have a higher risk of preterm labor.

Can trichomoniasis cause a bloated stomach?

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Itching is a common symptom of trichomoniasis. Severe infections can even cause a rash at the genital area.

Who is most commonly affected by trichomoniasis?

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Indian women but males can also get infected.

What color is the discharge in trichomoniasis in men?

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Typically, if a person has symptoms, the vaginal discharge with chlamydia is yellow, but some may have spotting or bleeding that can cause red or brown color. Penile discharge may be yellow, white, or clear. But most women and many men have no symptoms of chlamydia, so in women, most typically the discharge does not look any different from normal vaginal discharge.

Is trachomatis the same as trichomonas?

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Trachomatis is not the same as trichomonas. Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterial STD, and trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoal STD.

Can a man carry trichomoniasis for years if untreated?

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yes, it doesnt treat itself and it is extremely unlikely to go away on its own.