


Welfare is help provided for less fortunate people. It can include food, clothing, shelter, and medical services and is provided by government agencies, charitable organizations and individuals.

500 Questions

What is the social welfare concept?

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The social welfare concept refers to policies and programs designed to promote the well-being of individuals in society, particularly those who are vulnerable or in need. It encompasses a range of services such as healthcare, education, housing, and income support to ensure basic needs are met and improve quality of life for all members of society. Social welfare aims to reduce inequality, alleviate poverty, and create a more equitable and just society.

What are the Social Welfare Influences?

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Social welfare influences can include government policies, public assistance programs, community support services, and non-profit organizations that aim to improve the well-being and quality of life of individuals and communities. These influences often address issues such as poverty, healthcare access, education, housing, and social equality. They play a crucial role in providing support and resources to those in need and promoting a more just and equitable society.

Does long term welfare affect long term commitment?

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Long-term welfare can influence long-term commitment by providing stability and security, which can contribute to stronger relationships and commitment levels. Individuals who feel financially secure are likely to be more committed to their partners and relationships. However, commitment is a complex and multifaceted construct influenced by various factors beyond just welfare.

How does a functionalist view social welfare?

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Functionalists view social welfare as a system that provides support for individuals in society, ensuring social stability and cohesion. They see it as a mechanism to address social inequalities and maintain the overall functioning of society by meeting the needs of its members.

What did many social welfare workers to reform?

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Many social welfare workers advocated for reforms such as improved labor conditions, expanded access to education, affordable housing, and healthcare services, to address social inequality and poverty. They also pushed for policies to support vulnerable populations and ensure basic needs were met for all members of society.

How can you contribute to the improvement of the general welfare and the quality of life to community?

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You can contribute to the improvement of general welfare by volunteering your time and skills, supporting local businesses, participating in community events, and advocating for positive change through community organizations or local government initiatives. It's important to actively listen to community needs and work collaboratively with others to address issues that impact quality of life for all residents.

Why do study social welfare?

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Studying social welfare helps individuals understand the underlying issues in society related to poverty, inequality, and social justice. It also equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to address these challenges through policy analysis, advocacy, and direct service provision. Ultimately, studying social welfare contributes to creating a more equitable and compassionate society.

What is the race percentage for welfare recipients in Kentucky?

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Asked by Wiki User

I do not have specific data on the race percentage for welfare recipients in Kentucky. You may want to refer to official government sources or research studies for this information.

What percentage of people in US are on welfare in 1960s?

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In the 1960s, the percentage of the US population on welfare ranged from about 3-4% to 5-6%, depending on the specific years and programs considered. The modern welfare system in the US really began to take shape during this time period with the introduction of programs like Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Social Security.

Are there more whites than blacks on welfare?

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There are more white Americans than black Americans receiving welfare benefits in the United States. This is primarily due to the larger percentage of the white population in the country. However, when looking at the proportion of each group that receives welfare, black Americans are more likely to be on welfare compared to white Americans.

What is the break down on ethnics on welfare in US?

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As of 2020, the breakdown of welfare recipients in the US by ethnicity is approximately 40% white, 25% black, 23% Hispanic, 2% Asian, and 9% other races. These numbers can vary and change based on various factors and are subject to updates.

What percentage of hispanic are on welfare in California?

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As of 2021, about 27% of Hispanic individuals in California receive welfare assistance. This percentage may vary depending on changing economic conditions and government policies.

Can a child welfare case be transferred from state to state?

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Yes, a child welfare case can sometimes be transferred from one state to another if the child and/or family move. This process usually involves coordination between the child welfare agencies in both states to ensure continuity of services and safety for the child.

What is the difference between social welfare and social service?

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An institutinal system isbase upon the availabiltiy to everyone whereas the residual system is targted towardsa particulafr group ie the poor

What were the successes of the social welfare reform movement?

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The social welfare reform movement brought about significant changes, such as the establishment of social security programs, unemployment benefits, and workers' compensation. It also helped improve working conditions, raise workplace safety standards, and advocate for fair labor practices, leading to better protections for workers and vulnerable populations. Additionally, the movement raised public awareness about poverty and inequality, prompting government action and support for those in need.

How can social control be maintained in small scale tribal societies?

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Social control in small scale tribal societies can be maintained through informal mechanisms such as gossip, shaming, and community pressure. Shared cultural norms and values play a key role in regulating behavior, as individuals are expected to conform to group expectations. The close-knit nature of these societies also facilitates direct communication and social reinforcement of expected norms.

What are the primary distinction between social welfare and social work?

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Social welfare refers to the system of government programs and services designed to promote the well-being of individuals in a society, while social work is a profession focused on helping individuals and communities to enhance their well-being and solve problems. Social welfare involves the broader policies and programs, while social work involves direct client support and intervention.

What race has highest percentage on welfare?

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In the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the majority of welfare recipients are white. However, when considering the percentage of each racial group that receives welfare relative to their population size, African Americans have a higher likelihood of being on welfare compared to other racial groups.

What does welfare cost taxpayers each year?

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The cost of welfare programs can vary by country and by program. In the United States, welfare spending includes programs like Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which collectively cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year. The exact amount can fluctuate based on economic conditions and legislation.

A country that provides extensive social services at little to no cost to the user is called what?

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A country that provides extensive social services at little to no cost to the user is often referred to as a welfare state. In a welfare state, the government takes responsibility for the well-being of its citizens by offering services such as healthcare, education, and social welfare programs. Examples of welfare states include countries like Sweden, Finland, and Denmark.

What are the goals of social welfare administration?

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The goals of social welfare administration are to provide assistance and support to individuals and families in need, promote social justice and equality, and improve the overall well-being of society. This includes ensuring access to basic needs, such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education, as well as implementing policies and programs that address systemic issues contributing to poverty and inequality.

What is the race percentage for welfare?

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Asked by Wiki User

The percentages of those on welfare by race are listed

below in descending order by percentage.






What does Rawls say about the relative importance of the individual vs the welfare of society?

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Rawls argues that the welfare of society is important but that the protection of individual rights and liberties should take precedence. He believes that society should be structured in a way that ensures everyone has equal basic rights and opportunities, even if this comes at the expense of overall social welfare.

How are social welfare policies created and enacted?

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Social welfare policies are created through a combination of legislative processes, government initiatives, and public demand. They are enacted by passing laws and regulations at the federal, state, or local level. Stakeholders such as policymakers, advocacy groups, and community members play a role in shaping and implementing these policies.