


Adjectives and Articles

Includes questions related to the comprehension, usage and identification of the parts of speech that are used to describe, modify and indicate nouns.

500 Questions

Is drug an adjective or adverb?

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"Drug" is a noun, not an adjective or adverb. It refers to a substance that has physiological effects when ingested into the body.

What is the adjective opposite for heavy?

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The opposite of heavy is light.

Adjective of inflate?

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Is bounce an adjective?

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Yes it's an adjective.

What is the adjective of lift?

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The adjective form of "lift" is "elevated" or "raised."

What is the adjective of reaction?

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The adjective form of "reaction" is "reactive."

Descriptive adjective of magnets?

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The adjective is "magnetic".

Is noisy with a tendency to blow itself?

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Asked by Wiki User

It sounds like the device is producing excessive noise and may have a history of self-destructing. It would be advisable to have it inspected by a professional to determine the cause of the noise and potential safety issues with the device.

Is noisy with a tendency to blow itself out?

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Asked by Wiki User

It sounds like the equipment you are referring to is producing excess noise and may be at risk of overheating. This could be due to a malfunctioning component or lack of proper maintenance. It would be advisable to have the equipment inspected by a professional to address the issues before it causes further damage or safety concerns.

How do you describe molecules in your own words?

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Asked by Wiki User

Molecules are the building blocks of matter, made up of atoms held together by chemical bonds. They can exist as individual units or be joined together to form larger structures. Molecules are constantly in motion, interacting with other molecules to create the diverse substances found in the world around us.

Is thin an adverb?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, "thin" is an adjective that describes the width or depth of something, such as a thin book or thin ice. An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb to describe how, when, or where something happens.

Which word best describes Larry Reyes according to the narrator in gravity?

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The word that best describes Larry Reyes according to the narrator in "Gravity" is "observant."

What is a way to describe the wavelength of a wave?

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The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase, such as two consecutive crests or troughs. It is represented by the symbol λ and is typically measured in meters. It indicates the length of one complete cycle of the wave pattern.

What is The Adjective of Purify?

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Asked by Wiki User

The adjective form of "purify" is "pure."

What word describes charcoal that breaks and chatters when it hits the ground?

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The word that describes charcoal that breaks and chatters when it hits the ground is "brittle."

What is the adjective form of lightning?

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The noun lightning itself (electrical discharge) is used as a noun adjunct, rather than an adjective, in such terms as lightning bolt or lightning rod.

Only when the intent is to show great speed or quickness (lightning speed, lightning reflexes) is lightning an adjective.

What word describes the size of the vibrations?

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The word that describes the size of vibrations is amplitude. Amplitude refers to the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium.

What is the adjective for strongly?

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The adjective for "strongly" is "strong."

What is stability as an adjective?

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Stability as an adjective means the quality of being resistant to change or disruption. It implies a state of reliability, balance, and consistency in various aspects.

What is the adjective of stability?

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The adjective form of stability is stable.

What are words that describe harry Houdini?

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smart,cool, and magician

Is innocent a noun or an adjective?

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"Innocent" can be both a noun and an adjective. As an adjective, it describes someone or something that is free from guilt or wrongdoing. As a noun, it refers to a person who is free from guilt or blame.