


Alkaline Earths

The Alkaline Earth Metals are the second group of the periodic table of the elements. They are highly reactive and share many properties with each other. In this category, there are ANY questions that have to do with the alkaline earths, or their elements: Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium.

500 Questions

Look at the periodic table. What is the charge on any ion formed by an alkaline earth metal?

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The charge on any ion formed by an alkaline earth metal is typically +2. This is because alkaline earth metals readily lose two electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell and acquire a stable electron configuration.

What is alkaline earth metals reactivity level?

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Alkaline earth metals have a moderate reactivity level compared to other metals. They are less reactive than alkali metals, but more reactive than transition metals. Alkaline earth metals readily form ionic compounds with nonmetals due to their tendency to lose two electrons.

How reactive are alkaline earth metals?

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Alkaline earth metals are less reactive than alkali metals, but more reactive than transition metals. They readily form 2+ cations in chemical reactions due to their tendency to lose two electrons. Their reactivity increases down the group as the atomic radius increases.

How do the alkali metals differ from the alkaline earth metals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alkali metals are found in Group 1 of the periodic table and are highly reactive metals with one electron in their outer shell. On the other hand, alkaline earth metals are found in Group 2 and are also reactive but less so than alkali metals, with two electrons in their outer shell. Alkaline earth metals also have higher melting and boiling points compared to alkali metals.

Why do alkaline earth metals have similar properties?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alkaline earth metals have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons in their outermost energy level, leading to similar chemical reactivity and bonding behavior. These metals also have similar atomic and ionic radii, which affects their physical properties such as melting points and densities. Additionally, alkaline earth metals share common oxidation states and form similar types of compounds with other elements.

How does alkaline earth metals react?

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Alkaline earth metals are reactive and tend to lose two electrons to form a 2+ cation. They react with water to produce hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions. They also form oxides when they react with oxygen in the air.

What is the largest alkaline earth metal Atom?

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Barium is the largest alkaline earth metal atom in terms of atomic radius.

Why are the elements in group 2 called alkaline earth metals?

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Asked by LisaRichmondfb8132

Group 2 elements are called alkaline earth metals because they form alkaline solutions when they react with water. The term "earth" indicates that these elements were found in the earth's crust, while "alkaline" describes the basic nature of the compounds they form.

Why do all the alkaline earth metals have similar properties?

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Asked by Wiki User

All alkaline earth metals loss two electrons.

What is the charge on any ion formed by alkaline earth metal?

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The charge on any ion formed by an alkaline earth metal is typically +2. This is because alkaline earth metals usually lose two electrons to achieve a stable octet configuration, resulting in a 2+ charge.

Why Alkali metal and alkaline earth metal form cation?

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Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals have low ionization energies, making it easier for them to lose electrons and form cations with a positive charge. By losing electrons, they attain a stable electron configuration similar to that of noble gases, which enhances their stability.

Which alkaline metals have 3 occupied energy levels?

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Lithium and sodium are alkaline metals that have 3 occupied energy levels.

Why alkali and alkaline earth metals cannot be obtained by chemical reduction method?

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Alkali and alkaline earth metals are highly reactive elements that readily form compounds with other elements. This high reactivity makes them difficult to isolate using chemical reduction methods as they will easily react with any available substance, such as water or oxygen, preventing pure elemental form from being obtained. Instead, alkali and alkaline earth metals are typically extracted through more complex methods, such as electrolysis or by using reactive metals like magnesium as reducing agents.

Do all alkaline metals have 2 electron shells?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, not all alkaline metals have 2 electron shells. Alkaline metals like lithium, sodium, and potassium have 2 electron shells, but alkaline earth metals like magnesium and calcium have 3 electron shells.

What is the alkaline metals in table salt?

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Table salt, or sodium chloride, does not contain alkaline metals. It is composed of sodium ions and chloride ions. Alkaline metals like sodium, potassium, and lithium are all grouped together in the periodic table but do not form part of table salt.

What does a alkaline earth metal react to easily?

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Alkaline earth metals react easily with water and oxygen in the air to form oxides or hydroxides. They are less reactive than alkali metals, but still exhibit a high reactivity compared to other elements.

Is alkaline toxic?

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Alkaline substances can be toxic if consumed in large amounts. They can cause irritation or burns to the skin, eyes, and digestive tract. It's important to handle alkaline substances carefully and keep them out of reach of children.

What would an alkaline earth metal do with electrons to become stable?

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Asked by Wiki User

An alkaline earth metal would typically lose two electrons to become stable. This would result in the metal forming a 2+ cation, as it will have the same electron configuration as the nearest noble gas.

Do alkaline earth metals react with air?

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Alkaline earth metals, such as magnesium and calcium, do react with air. When exposed to oxygen, they form oxides or hydroxides on their surface, which can give them a characteristic dull appearance. The reactivity increases as you move down the group from beryllium to radium.

Which element is alkaline earth element with the least massive atoms?

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Beryllium is the alkaline earth element with the least massive atoms.

What is true about alkaline-earth metals?

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Alkaline-earth metals are located in Group 2 of the periodic table and have two valence electrons. They are typically shiny, silvery-white in color, and are less reactive than alkali metals. Alkaline-earth metals form ionic bonds with other elements due to their tendency to lose their two valence electrons.

How does the total mass percentage of alkaline earth metal ions compare with the total mass percentage of alkaline metal ions?

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Asked by Wiki User

The total mass percentage of alkaline earth metal ions is higher than that of alkaline metal ions in a compound since alkaline earth metals have a higher atomic mass compared to alkali metals. This means that alkaline earth metals contribute more to the total mass of the compound when present as ions.

How does acid and alkali react when mixed?

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Acids and alkalis react to form water and a salt compound in a neutralization reaction. The hydrogen ions from the acid combine with the hydroxide ions from the alkali to form water, while the remaining ions combine to form a salt. The resulting solution will be closer to neutral on the pH scale.

Why is sodium hydrogen carbonate used to remove impuritiesrather than a stronger alkali such as sodium hydroxide?

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Sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda) is milder than sodium hydroxide and less likely to damage delicate surfaces or materials. It is more suitable for removing impurities without causing harm or unwanted reactions. Additionally, sodium hydrogen carbonate is safer to handle and less corrosive than sodium hydroxide.