

Ambien (Zolpidem)

Ambien is a brand name for zolpidem. It is a prescription medication used for insomnia.

500 Questions

What happens when you mix cocaine valium and Ambien?

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It actually depends on the timing of the dosages. Lets say you go through a gram of coke out all night partying. If you take that last line and know the dreadful cocaine comedown is only a half hour away. My suggestion, about 20-30 min after your last cocaine dose, is to take Valium in a moderate dose (5-15mg.) This will almost completely stop any craving or leave you with little desire for more cocaine. Your anxiety level will shoot out the door, decreasing the racing thoughts, leading to a controlled, substaniable come down. You'll actually be able to sleep, and peacefully as well. If Valium is taken before cocaine, you wont have as much pleasure from the cocaine, but more or as less leave you in a calm, but speedy euphoric effect.

The Valium will lessen the effects you feel from the cocaine. Some people take Valium to help with the withdrawal symptoms from cocaine use.

The Valium works excellent in diminishing the terrible after effects(comedown). The only problem is in my experience is that once you feel calm and relaxed you will want to do more, like starting all over again. I guess you just have to have discipline to stick to the plan of not to continue to do more after you've taken the benzo, but that's very hard with cocaine.

Can you take Ambien and norco together?

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Yes, these medicines can be taken together safely, as long as it is done appropriately. Obviously, both of these medicines can be sedating, and there should be some caution whenever two medicines that are sedating are used together. It is not good to be started on both medicines at the same time. But if already taking one medicine, so that it is known how the first medicine is affecting you, there can be an appropriate assessment of whether the first medicine is causing such sedation that the second medicine can be used safely.

For example, if already taking Norco to help ease pain and the patient is now having difficulty sleeping despite being on the Norco, so the Norco is not causing sufficient sedation to help sleep, then the Ambien can be added.

Can you mix Ambien and marijuana?

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You can mix marijuana with most every medication/drug, including Xanax. In fact, I do not know of any drugs that are dangerous to take with marijuana. Marijuana is neither a stimulant nor a depressant; it is a mild hallucinogen, and so it doesn't affect your heart or central nervous system the way other drugs (like speed, cocaine, heroin, oxycodone, Xanax, Ecstasy, etc. do).

Can dentist prescribe Ambien?

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Yes. Why not? It can be used for anti anxiety before dental procedure.

Does Ambien give panic attacks?

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Ambien is not known to cause heart attacks. The side effects of Ambien are drowsiness, dizziness, and a drugged feeling. Insomnia, confusion, and visual problems have been associated with Ambien.

Can you take wellibutrin with Ambien?

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You can take wellibutrin with ambien.

Can you mix suboxon and Ambien?

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You should consult your pharmacist before taking any two depressants together, regardless of what your doctor says. Doctors do not have pharmaceutical training, and do not necessarily know what is completely safe, and what is not. The only information they have is what they get from the drug companies.

Can you take Ambien and Valium together?

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Ambien and valium can be taken together if prescribed by and under the counsel of a doctor. Both medications can cause drowsiness so taking the two together can markedly increase this effect. Be aware of this when deciding when to take these medications as you will want to avoid any type of activity requiring you to be alert.

Does Ambien dialate the pupils of the eye?

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No, normally not. With me, my pupils stay the same.

Will you overdose on 30 mg Ambien?

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The dose that your doctor has given you is the safe dosage. Never try to take more medication than you are prescribed. This is a dangerous drug and you could easily overdose and hurt yourself. Ambien is addictive, and that desire that you are having to take more and more is a warning sign that you are starting to crave the drug.

I suggest you contact your doctor and tell him or her that you are starting to want to take more than your proper dosage, and ask for help dealing with this problem - NOW, before you really do get addicted to it!

No... Ambien is not considered a highly addictive drug, but it is true that it is easy to increase tolerance and want more to satisfy a need to sleep (not to get high).

So dont be alarmed if you want to take an extra one every night, but don't do it. Tell your doctor this and they will likely tell you you have built up an immunity and dosage/meds must be changes. not because youre such a "drug edict", but because your body naturally got used to one amount of a frug and now needs a different amount to successfully put you to sleep.

Dont make us people who have a head time sleeping look like edicts! we dont wanna get high! just get a good night sleep like the rest of you. Too much to ask for??

Can you take Ambien Ativan and Oxycontin together?

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original answer was : No. Ambien CR and OxyContin have a listed interaction. Consult your doctor or pharmacist first.

My answer is: This is not a good combination for folks who don't have chronic pain and chronic insomnia. I am pregnant and my doc has me on Lortab and Ambien CR as well. I just space those far enough apart so they dont give me any problems.

Also, my father is dying of cancer and they have him on Oxycontin, Oxycodone, xanax, and Ambien cr all at the same time. So it depends o the situation.

Can you mix hydrocortisone midodrine and Ambien?

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I would recommend against this for many reasons; primary being that the mixture of opiates and Valium are notoriously lethal, even at lower doses. The ambien and Valium will cause you to run rampant doing crazy things without a firm grip on consequence or passage of time. The other downfall is that Benzo's like Valium cause you to forget what you were doing just moments before. Ambien, having these traits of it's own, will multiply the effect greatly. Avoid these three, they don't play nice.

What if your dog ate an Ambien pill?

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Benadryl is safe to use in dogs up to 1 mg per pound (so a 25 mg tablet is safe for a dog that weighs up to 25 pounds). But if the label has the words "Sinus" or "Headache" on it, it could also contain a decongestant or acetaminophen, both of which can be toxic to dogs.

What is the difference between Ambien and Zolpidem Tartrate?

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same thing. zolpidem is the chemical, and the generic name for the drug. Ambien and stilnox are the registered trademarked names

Is mixing flexeril and zolpidem a bad idea?

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In a general sense, No. However, the interaction between these medications depends on the dosage of both. If you are taking both the lowest dosages of each medication - the interactions will just cause increased drowsiness. However, If you are taking High Dosages of either one, then yes.

Flexeril is a muscle relaxer. Zolpidem (Ambien) is a strong sleep aid used to treat insomnia and anxiety related sleep disorders. The most common side effect of both are Drowsiness. However, both are known to be CNS (Central Nervous System) depressants. Therefore, you should refrain from mixing the two without consulting with your prescribing Doctor or Pharmacist.

Warning: If you are taking both these medications, DO NOT drink Alcohol with them. Drinking Alcohol (another CNS Depressant) can cause respiratory failure; and ultimately death.

Warning: Do not drive or operate machinery under the influence of either medication until you know how they will effect you. You should not operate machinery if you've taken Zolpidem at all.

Warning: Consult your doctor before changing or abruptly stopping any of the medications you are currently taking.

Can you take Ambien and lorazepam together?

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Yes, expect increased sedation (obviously)

What if I took 7 1mg of lorazepam a few hours ago and take 20mg ambien before bed. Will this be okay?

I took my suboxone way earlier also..please let me know ASAP..thanks so much.


How long does Ambien keep you asleep for?

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Ambien has no euphoric (high) effects - it's side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, lethargy, nausea, and a lot of others, but nothing that even resembles a high.

Ambien does deffenitly mess you up. for how long i don't know, a couple hours, like 4 or 5 probably.

Can you take L-theanine and ambien?

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Ambian and l-theanine