

Animal Testing

There are several types of animal experimentation. Some experiments simply observe behaviors, where others introduce medications, toxins, viruses, or products to see what effect they will have on the animal.

500 Questions

Does Maybelline cosmetics conduct animal testing for their products?

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If the product does not say Cruelty free, or not tested on animals. There is also a symbol of a bunny with a circle around it and then slashed through. Which means not tested on animals. Mainly cute little white bunnies are the victim. Try to avoid buying products that test on animals.

Who likes animal testing?

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animal testing disgusts me it is horrible. sometimes 'scientists' cut the top of a monkeys head open to view their brain. doesn't sound that bad does it well they are not sudated, the monkeys are awake the whole time. see i told you animal testing is disgusting.

Do Jews agree with animal testing?

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in our view it's acceptable. For any type of benefit for humans we may use animals. If there's no need or benefit, then its unacceptable.

we may use animals only for needs. not wants; and causing them gratuitous pain is forbidden.

What are the Roman Catholic views on animal testing?

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Catholic AnswerThe Church does not speak of "animal rights", that would be given them a dignity that they do not possess. However, they are due the respect that all mankind should bear towards all of God's creation, the Respect for the integrity of creation is covered under the Seventh Commandment: You shall not steal, (Ex 20:15; Deut 5:19; Mt 19:18) and is explained in paragraphs 2415-2417 of the Catechism:

from The Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition, English translation 1994

2516 Animals are God's creatures. He surrounds them with his providential care. By their mere existence they bless him and give him glory. (Cf. Mt 6:26; Dan 3:79-81.) Thus men owe them kindness. We should recall the gentleness with which saints like St. Francis of Assisi or St. Philip Neri treated animals.


God entrusted animals to the stewardship of those whom he created in his own image. (Cf. Gen 2:19-29; 9:1-4) Hence it is legitimate to use animals for food and clothing. They may be domesticated to help man in his work and leisure. Medical and scientific experimentation on animals is a morally acceptable practice if it remains within reasonable limits and contributes to caring for or saving human lives.


It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly. It is likewise unworthy to spend money on them that should as a priority go to the relief of human misery. One can love animals; one should not direct to them the affection due only to persons.

What animals are killed during animal testing?

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yes well that's not the only reason there's hunting cars poachers animal fights cruel people real sudden environment changes but animal testing is a big part of it like dissection and testing new medicine and other experi Cancel ments

Where do companies that do animal testing get the animals?

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Some companies that use test animals get the larger test subjects from Dog pounds sometimes from puppy mills and animal shelters. For smaller animals like Mice or rats I'm pretty sure they breed them their selves

10 good reasons animal testing is goos?

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1. There is now a cure for certain types of lymphoma. The drugs, protocols and treatment modalities were all tested thoroughly on animals (both animals with and animals without lymphoma) prior to starting human trials. In addition, similar protocols and drugs are now used to treat animals with lymphoma, successfully in many cases.

2. There are multiple classes of antibiotics that can be used to treat bacterial infections. Every antibiotic currently available was initially thoroughly tested on animals prior to entering human trials. A good number of these antibiotics are also used in veterinary medicine.

3. There is a vacciation for rabies, which now consists of 3 shots prior to exposure or 5 shots after exposure. Rabies used to be universally fatal if you were bit by a rabid animal; now you receive a series of 5 shots plus a high level of pre-formed antibodies and the prevention rate is above 90%. Also, canine rabies is now eradicated from the US due to using preventive vaccines in the domestic dog population - there are only the bat, raccoon and skunk varieties left.

4. Humans with coronary artery disease can now be treated via implantation of an expanding tube called a stent into the blocked artery to open the artery and maintain blood flow. These devices were first tested on animals and research medical doctors practiced the technique on animals prior to attempting the procedure in humans.

5. HIV/AIDS is now a manageable chronic disease in the United States rather than a rapidly progressive and fatal infection. All the drugs used to treat the symptoms of HIV/AIDS were thoroughly tested on animals prior to being given to humans.

6. The biochemical cascade of clotting is now relatively well understood, to the point that hemophilia can be controlled via medication. The clotting cascade was investigated in multiple animal models over decades to identify and clarify the various chemicals and molecules that interact to cause and prevent blood clots.

7. Studies of purebred animals have led to the identification of genes associated with major diseases present in both animals and humans, which has helped researchers identify genes associated with diseases in humans.

8. Behavorial studies of animals have led researchers to further understanding how early humans may have interacted and what could have given early humans the evolutionary advantage over other closely related hominid species.

9. Genetic testing of animals and complete genome sequencing has led to discoveries of how certain animals are related to each other and have furthered the understanding of recent and ongoing evolution.

10. Some animals are much more sensitive to certain chemical contaminants than humans, so testing these animals and observing their reactions to chemicals allows scientists to determine acceptable limits for human exposure to the chemical.

Are there other ways to test chemical products beside animal testing?

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Yes, click on the 'Centre for alternatives to animal testing' link further down this page. There are sophisticated, non-animal test methods available today, which range from cell and tissue cultures to computerized "structure-activity relationship" models.

How is animal testing effective?

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no. animal testing is not always accurate because the body structure of an animal is differnet than the body structer of a human being. Hence the results may not be the same.

How many animals are injered by animal testing?

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It is not known how many animals get hurt during animal testing. Not all facilities that use animal testing make it public, Millions of animals are hurt world wide each year due to animal testing.

Why not use animal testing?

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Because testing cosmetic products on animals is cruel to the animal, How would you like getting new products tested on you? you have no choice and the products may not be safe or may even hurt you and they don't care.

What do experts say about animal testing?

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Animal testing is cruel, inhumane and unnecessary.

There are many ways for scientists to test product without abusing animals. Rats, rabbits, dogs and monkeys are just a few of the animals who get tested on. They live very unfortunate lives, caged up and tortured for the purpose of science.

These animals don't get to see daylight, and often times they are tattooed with a serial number as identification. When an animal is no longer fit for testing, they are often times killed, and very rarely rescued out to loving families.

When purchasing cosmetic items, make sure it is clearly marked "not tested on animals" or something of the sort. The only way to stop animal testing is to stop purchasing products that have been tested on animals.

Some reasons to stop animal testing beside it being cruel?

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There are several reasons why people are against animal testing. In the cosmetics industry people would test new cosmetics on animals before they tried them on humans. In order to see if the cosmetic had a negative effect it would have to be applied to the animal in an area that would show if there were an adverse reaction. The animal also has to be in a position where it cannot remove the product before there has been time for it to react with the animal.

So animals would be locked into apparatus that would not allow them to, for instance, rub their eyes if a new shampoo was being tested on them. Shampoo would be put into the animal's eye by the scientist and the eyes would be examined for reaction to the shampoo over a period of time and records would be kept. Animals used in experiments such as this would not, generally be kept alive after the experiment.

For some products there was a very controversial testing technique called LD50. In this experiment animals would be given a higher and higher dose of the substance until 50% of the animals had died (Lethal Dose 50%).

Some people say that human volunteers should be used instead of using animals who have no say in their involvement. Not of course for the LD50 type trials.

Does guerlain do animal testing?

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According to Vichy does use animal testing for some of its products. And it is good to keep in mind that Vichy is owned by L'Oréal Paris, one of the biggest animal testing companies on the planet.

Types of animals used in animal testing?

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dogs guinea pigs hamsters birds rabbits pigs mice rats and much much more

How does animal testing help medicine?

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The practice of animal testing dates back to the Greeks. Before applying surgical procedures to humans, animals were used to verify the method. Louis Pasteur induced anthrax in sheep proving his germ theory. Ivan Pavlov used dogs to demonstrate classical conditioning. Insulin was isolated in dogs. Antibiotics and a vaccine for leprosy was developed in armadillos. In 1996, Dolly the Sheep was the first mammal to be cloned.

Drug testing using animals became a significant part of the drug development process. To avoid new drugs from coming on the market and causing bad reactions, Congress passed a law in 1937 requiring the new drug to be tested on animals first.

What do buddhists believe about animal testing?

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Animals (one of which is mankind) are all regarded as equal. Testing is usually only for the benefit of the human being and harms, kills or injures other animals. If mankind is the only beneficiary then it should be tested (ethically) on human volunteers.

Which us states support animal testing?

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They should be treated with a little bit of care

Is animal testing legal in Canada?

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it depends makeup on animals yes, but doctors also test drugs on animals that save human lives and the drugs don't always hurt the animals. If there is a law passed that affects one kind of testing it might affect them all. Humans will always put themselves before animals just like animals would do to us.

Are animals bred specifically for animal testing?

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Unfortunately, yes. In a lot of countries, animal testing is illegal/banned but in many countries it is still carried on :( World Peace charities are trying to make it banned by 2015, which, although is quite a way away, it will eventually be stopped :)

How much does Canada spend on animal testing?

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probably around 600 billion dollaras at least because of sea turtles.

Why is animal testing done?

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Animal testing exists because it allows people to test their products on living animals. That way, they can see how it might react on people. Since testing on people is considered unethical, they use animals instead.