


Anteaters only eat ants and termites with their long tongues and narrow snout. Ask questions about these sloth-like creatures here.

500 Questions

Do ants eat clover?

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They don't eat clover as such, but they do like the nectar from clover and readily collect it and take it back to their nest.

What type of circulatory system does an anteater have?

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they have an open circulatory system which means body fluids are filling body cavities and appendages

-- Jane

What is the lifespan of an Anteater?

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1-2 months for the pesky black ant, 6 months for pet ants in an ant farm (if you feed them), 6-7 years for carpenter ants.

How tall can an anteater grow?

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The Giant Anteater, is the largest species of anteater. It is found in Central and South America. It is the only species in the Myrmecophaga genus. It is a solitary animal, found in many habitats, including grasslands, deciduous forests and rainforests. It feeds mainly on ants and termites, sometimes up to 30,000 insects in a single day.

How does an anteater eat ants?

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What layer and rain forest do anteaters live in?

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I believe it is the canopy. But it may be in the one just below that..


Try the ground - they attack ants' nests. the clue is in the animal's name.

Is an anteater an insectivore?

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The correct name for the spiny anteater is echidna.

The echidna can be regarded as carnivorous because it feeds almost exclusively on termites, with ants also making up the bulk of their diet. They also (rarely) feed on insect larvae. Strictly speaking, they could be said to be insectivorous.

What is the job of a queen ant?

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The queen bee main function is to produce eggs(about 2,000/day), and these eggs will later turn to larva, from larva to cell capped, and to pupa till emergence. All these has dere days duration, e.g looking into the 3 castes; queen, workers and the solders. From Dogiye Fidelis Ifiemi. AKA IFEKO

What do spiny anteaters eat?

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Spiny anteaters are properly known as echidnas. Echidnas live almost exclusively on termites, although they also eat ants. Echidnas have large claws for breaking open termite mounds (which, in much of Australia, are made from mud). They have long sticky tongues, about 15cm long, with which they catch the termites. Echidnas also look for termites under old, rotting logs, their preferred locale.

What is an organic way to kill all kinds of ants?

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Earth-friendly ways to rid lawns of ants include flooding their mounds as well as pouring vinegar and sprinkling artificial sweetener, cream of tartar, instant grits and red chili powder across their paths. Sprinkle cream of tartar across ant's path.

Where does the anteater live?

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What kind of anteaters? In South America there are the Giant anteater and its relatives such as the the tamandua and pigmy anteaters. In Australia and Papua New Guinea there are the spiny anteaters, also called echidnas. In Australia there also are other kinds, such as the banded anteaters or numbats. In Africa there is the aardvark or ant bear and then there are the scaly anteaters or pangolins; some kinds of pangolin live in Africa and some in Southern Asia. There also are other animals that eat various kinds of ants and termites, and some of them are called anteaters, such as the Oecobiidae, spiders that eat mainly ants.

Common names (such as "anteater" can be very misleading. For example, many so-called anteaters prefer termites.)

How many ants can an anteater eat?

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Lots of Ants would an Anteater eat if Anteater would eat Ants Or An Anteater would eat as many Ants as an Anteater would eat if an Anteater would eat Ants

Do ants eat fruit?

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Why yes, they do. they also will eat many sweet foods like syrup and ice cream ( i tested it )

Do anteaters have a backbone?

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(just like insects) No arachnids don't have backbones. They are just an eight legged creature, that are invertibrates. But they do have small individual bones.

Do bears eat anteaters?

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A bear will eat an other if they cross paths.

How many bones does an anteater have?

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Spiny anteaters, more correctly known as echidnas, have four legs.

Are anteaters endothermic or ectothermic?

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Opossums are endothermic - warm blooded.

Would anteater make good pet?

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The laws vary by country, state, county, and city. All could have laws in place preventing it or needing permits. So the answer is maybe.

How big can a male anteater get?

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An anteater weighs about 100 to 125 pounds.

Can the spiny anteater swim?

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The spiny anteater, more properly known as the echidna, can swim.

Though its body shape and spines would seem to inhibit its swimming ability, the echidna actually swims quite well, and even uses swimming as a means to regulate its own temperature.