


Bamboo is a flowering plant and the largest member of the grass family. This hollow plant is one of the fastest growing plant species in the world, and serves important cultural and economic roles in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Asia thanks to its versatility as a building material and as a food source.

500 Questions

What is the lifespan of a bamboo tree?

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Bamboo is not a tree it is a grass. It depends on the species how fast it grows.

Some could do it in a year under the right conditions.

Where does bamboo fungi grow?

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How much bamboo is left in the world?

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Around 2,000 trees are being cut down in China each day so that is 73000 trees per year.

What kind of venation does the lucky bamboo?

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parallel venation

Does a bamboo is a vegetable?

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Bamboo is not a fruit or a vegetable. It's actually a unique type of grass

Do bamboo plants grow in china?

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Most of the bamboo forest that pandas inhabit is in southwestern China. Not only is it bamboo forests, it also mountains, caves, and valleys that pandas love to live around.

How big can lucky bamboo grow?

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600 in or 50 ft

What animals depend on bamboo or food?

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pandas are virtually the only animal that can eat bamboo

WHY are bamboo plants vascular?

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They are vascular because they have tube-like structures in them that carry nutrients through the plant. NON-vascular plants have no tube-like structures so they must be close to the ground. NON-vascular plants do not have roots, but instead have rhizoids.

Edited answer:

Because bamboo are tall terestrial plants belong to angiosperms

Which grows faster ivy or bamboo?

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i think the bamboo grown faster,but their are too many kinds of bamboo,some are more slower grown than sugar cane.

What is the meaning of bamboo?

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Is bamboo a hardwood?

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Bamboo is a member of the grass family, so it isn't a hardwood in the sense of a maple or oak tree.

However, because bamboo is very wood-like it can be cut into long, narrow planks which are laminated together into larger boards. Wood made this way can be used from construction-grade plywood, thicker furniture grade plywood, and flooring.

Wood made from bamboo is hard, harder than oak, and so wood made from bamboo can be considered a hardwood in the way a maple or oak wood board is considered hardwood.

What are bamboo stalks called?

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How long is Bamboo's life span?

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Most bamboo stalks live up to 15 years. They grow bigger, thicker and taller each year. However, the stalks only grow about two months each year at spring time, but they grow very fast. Up to four feet per day in some areas. Underground the roots are always growing. Once it is established you can thin them out. If you cut a stalk it will never grow back, but others will pop up in it's place. Controlling bamboo is not as bad as most people say. A simple lawn mower will take care of the bamboo you don't want. I love my bamboo!

How does bamboo spread?

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Through asexual reproduction, like most plants. Pollen from one plant fertilizes another. Thus, bamboo is formed.

Do elephants eat bamboo?

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Yes. Mai Pai Paa Bamboo shoots, seedlings and leaves are the favorite food for elephants.

Mai Sang Leaves, bamboo shoots and seedlings can be eaten. This is the type of bamboo the elephants like the most.

Mai Phak It is the biggest leaf of bamboo. Seedlings, bamboo shoots and leaves can be edible.

It depends on the season and the elephant's location. An elephant living in a dry, desert location will mostly eat shrubs as about 75% of their diet. The elephants that reside in the forests of Asia will eat more bamboo than those that live in the desert. The average elephant will eat bamboo, as elephants eat a wide variety of plants.

What is the color of the bamboo leaves?

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Green when it is fresh and brown after it has been dried.

How is bamboo harvested?

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Bamboo used for construction purposes must be harvested when the culms reach their greatest strength and when sugar levels in the sap are at their lowest, as high sugar content increases the ease and rate of pest infestation.

Harvesting of bamboo is typically undertaken according to the following cycles.

1) Life cycle of the clump: As each individual culm goes through a 5-7 year life cycle, culms are ideally allowed to reach this level of maturity prior to full capacity harvesting. The clearing out or thinning of culms, particularly older decaying culms, helps to ensure adequate light and resources for new growth. Well maintained clumps may have a productivity 3-4 times that of an unharvested wild clump.

2) Life cycle of the culm: As per the life cycle described above, bamboo is harvested from 2--3 years through to 5--7 years, depending on the species.

3) Annual cycle: As all growth of new bamboo occurs during the wet season, disturbing the clump during this phase will potentially damage the upcoming crop. Also during this high rain fall period, sap levels are at their highest and then diminish towards the dry season. Picking immediately prior to the wet/growth season may also damage new shoots. Hence harvesting is best at the end of the dry season, a few months prior to the start of the wet.

4) Daily cycle: During the height of the day, Photosynthesis is at its peak producing the highest levels of sugar in sap, making this the least ideal time of day to harvest. Many traditional practitioners believe that the best time to harvest is at dawn or dusk on a full moon. This practice makes sense in terms of both moon cycles, visibility and daily cycles.

Is bamboo the fastest growing plant?

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bamboo is technically a root from the tatterdemalion tree that grows upside down. scientist discovered this in 1873 after a landslide in Niger. so what your actually asking is how fast does the root of the tatterdemalion tree grow. and its at most 4' in a day

How much bamboo is there?

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is you are looking for flooring or or planks at can be quite expensive they do sell small craft packs for around $8.00

Where are bamboo forests located?

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Most bamboo forests are located in Thailand as well areas of China.

Is bamboo a protected plant?

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No. They are quite abundant in certain areas like Eastern Asia (around China)

What is a bamboo trees habitat?

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tangalla d ko alam.........

siguro sa mga southeast asian countries...

tulad ng china, philippines, etc.