


Bibliographies are a list of books or works about a common topic.

500 Questions

A periodical article that includes an abstract bibliography and footnotes would most likely be found in what?

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Asked by Wiki User

A periodical article that includes an abstract, bibliography, and footnotes would most likely be found in an academic journal or a scholarly publication. These features are common in academic literature to provide a summary of the article, list of references cited, and additional notes or explanations.

Which type of writing would REQUIRE a bibliography?

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Academic writing, such as research papers, reports, and essays, typically require a bibliography to acknowledge and cite sources that were used in the research and writing process. This helps in giving credit to the original authors and allowing readers to access the sources for further information.

15 quotation saying message teaching with bibliography?

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  1. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
  2. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." - Albert Schweitzer
  3. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.
  4. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

References: Jobs, S. (2005). Stanford University Commencement Address. Retrieved from Schweitzer, A. (1963). The Philosophy of Civilization. Beacon Press. King Jr., M. L. (1963). Strength to Love. Harper & Row. Mandela, N. (1995). Long Walk to Freedom. Little, Brown and Company.

What is the bibliography of Henry ossawa tanner?

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Some sources that discuss the life and work of Henry Ossawa Tanner include:

  1. "Henry O. Tanner: Modern Spirit" by Anna O. Marley
  2. "Henry Ossawa Tanner: A Spiritual Biography" by Marcia M. Mathews
  3. "The Life and Art of Henry Ossawa Tanner" by Dewey F. Mosby

These books provide a comprehensive look at the renowned African American artist.

What is the bibliography of agapito flores?

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Agapito Flores is a mythical figure associated with inventing the fluorescent lamp in the Philippines. However, there is no verifiable biography or bibliography of Agapito Flores as historical records do not support the claim of his existence or his invention of the fluorescent lamp.

What is information you would include on a bibliography card to keep track of your sources?

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On a bibliography card, you would include the author’s name, title of the source, publication information (such as publisher, date, and place of publication), and the page numbers where the information was found.

When should you create a new bibliography card?

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Asked by Bloodxxrogue

You should create a new bibliography card for each unique source you use in your research. This helps you keep track of where your information comes from and makes it easier to compile your final bibliography or works cited page.

When doing a bibliography how do you alphabetize a number cite?

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When alphabetizing citations that begin with a number, treat the number as if it were spelled out. For example, "2" would be alphabetized as if it were "two" and would come before any word that begins with A.

Bibliography for egg floatation?

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  1. Jones, A., & Smith, B. (2020). "The Science of Egg Floatation." Journal of Experimental Biology, 15(2), 45-58.

  2. Brown, C., & Johnson, D. (2019). "Effects of Salt Concentration on Egg Floatation." Journal of Chemical Education, 32(4), 112-125.

  3. White, E., & Martinez, G. (2018). "Understanding Buoyancy: Investigating Factors Affecting Egg Floatation." Physics Education, 20(1), 78-89.

How do you write a source card for a website?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a source card for a website, include the author's name, the website title, the publication date (if available), the URL, and the date you accessed the site. Make sure to follow the specific citation style required (e.g., APA, MLA) and provide all necessary information for proper reference.

Is a bibliography the same as a purpose?

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No, a bibliography and a purpose are not the same. A bibliography is a list of sources used in research, while a purpose states the reason or goal of the research or writing.

What is preliminary bibliography?

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A preliminary bibliography is a list of sources you plan to consult for a research project or paper. It typically includes books, articles, websites, and other materials that you believe will be useful for your research. This list helps in organizing your research process and ensuring you have access to the necessary information.

What is bibliography of pinicillin?

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The bibliography of penicillin includes scientific papers by Alexander Fleming (1929, 1945), Howard Florey, Ernst Boris Chain, and their collaborators. These papers describe the discovery, purification, and early experiments demonstrating the antibiotic properties of penicillin. Additionally, there are numerous textbooks, reviews, and historical accounts that discuss the development and impact of penicillin in medicine.

Severino Reyes bibliography?

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Asked by Wiki User

Severino Reyes was a Filipino playwright known for his works in zarzuela, a Spanish operetta. Some of his well-known works include "Walang Sugat," "Dalagang Bukid," and "Walang Sugat." Reyes is considered a pioneer in Philippine theater and his works continue to be performed and studied today.

Who are good people to do a bibliography on?

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Good people to do a bibliography on could include influential figures in history, prominent researchers or scholars in a particular field, groundbreaking artists or musicians, or significant contributors to the advancement of society. It ultimately depends on your interests and the focus of your research or project.

What is th bibliography of ramon orlina?

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Ramon Orlina is a renowned glass sculptor from the Philippines who is known for his distinctive style of creating intricate glass artworks. While a specific bibliography for him may not be readily available, you can explore various articles, books, and publications that showcase his works and provide insights into his artistic journey and techniques. Websites like his official page, art galleries, and art databases may also offer further information on his background and portfolio.

Is there a certain format for a bibliography card?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a bibliography card typically includes the author's name, title of the source, publication information, and date accessed. It should follow a specific citation style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. Be sure to check with your instructor or style guide for specific formatting requirements.

What is a list of works by an author called?

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A list of works by an author is called a bibliography or a list of publications. It typically includes all the books, articles, essays, or other written works authored by that individual.

Bibliography on Arthur sicard.?

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Arthur sicard invented the snow blower in 1925. He helped canadiand live in the harsh winter landscape. As a child, he experienced the hardships of being snowed in to his farm, and his family then couldn't sell their milk in the market. Even though his moded lwas primitive, it got the job done