

Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle is believed to have originally been a wooden castle built previous to 1200 AD. It is known to have been rebuilt out of stone in 1446, and is home to the famous Blarney Stone.

252 Questions

How long does it take to drive from Cobh to Blarney Castle in Ireland?

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39 minutes is how long in time, 33.9km is how long in kilometers. Introduce yourself to Google Maps.

Why did Robert the Bruce send the Blarney Stone to Blarney Castle?

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The legend goes that the Blarney Stone is really half of the Stone of Scone, on which the first king of Scotland was coronated in 847. Bruce gave the stone to Cormac McCarthy in 1314 to honor the Irish for their help at the Battle of Bannockburn. Somehow the stone found its way back in Scotland and was later taken to Blarney Castle.

Where is Blarney Medical Centre?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is in Sunberry, in Blarney, Co. Cork.