


A blizzard is a severe snowstorm characterized by strong winds. Blizzards can cause "whiteouts" and can paralyze regions for days. The deadliest blizzard on record was the 1972 Iran Blizzard.

500 Questions

When does it snow in Canada?

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Asked by Alex Kuhic

Depends where in Canada you live.

In Manitoba usually March but in 2013 it was April so it depends every year.

Americans seem to think it snows all year round in our 'igloo's' but they have no idea about Canada.

What do blizzards feel like?

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Asked by Wiki User

A blizzard is a heavy snowfall with high winds. Where I live we loose 2 or three people every year that get lost between the barn and the house in a blizzard and die of hypothermia.

So the snow and cold wind blows inside your clothes, the snow blowing around blinds you to anything more than a foot away, often you can't see the ground or your feet. And finally the wind is noisy.

This makes the whole thing very frightening.

Where do the blizzards mostly occur?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your daddy

What is the climate of a blizzard?

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Asked by Wiki User

Different types of clouds can be involved - nimbostratus, different types of cumulus... the type of cloud isn't at all central to a blizzard. In fact, ground blizzards don't need clouds at all- much of the snow blowing around is lifted from previous falls.

How many blizzards do we get in a year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eight or ten blizzards a year are not uncommon to coastal areas, but the U.S. get's about 10.7 to 11 blizzards a year.

How do blizzards affect the hydrosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

well, u no how precipitaion is in it, right? most common ones are rain and snow and stuff... but blizzards are another type of precipitation! YAY ME HAHA I GOT THAT RIGHT! YES! i so smart :)!!

What are different types of severe weather?

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Asked by Wiki User

1. Tornadoes

2. Snowfall

3. Winter storm

4. thunderstorms

5. lightning

6. hurricanes

7. blizzards

8. monsoons

9. floods

10. droughts



13.freezing rain

14.heavy sleet

15.extreme wind

16.extreme heat

17.extreme cold






23.tropical storm

24.dense fog

What season do blizzards mostly occur?

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Asked by Wiki User

Blizzards occur in the winter time. Blizzards are a snow storm that is larger than normal with very high winds.

How are building designed to withstand blizzards?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can't actually do that but you can build your house somewhere else that is not even near an avalanche! because if you know that you are living in a place where there's going to be an avalanche, why don't you move somewhere safer?!

Why did the black blizzards happen?

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Asked by Wiki User

A "Black blizzard" is another name for a sand or dust storm.

See link below for details.

What is the number one selling blizzard?

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Asked by Wiki User

The answer to this question will change just about every week, if not every day. Try going on Google and search. I have to answer the same question as well!

What two things are mixed together to create a blizzard.?

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Asked by Wiki User

Snow and strong winds mix together to create a blizzard.

How are tornadoes and blizzards similar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both tornadoes and blizzards are dangerous storms the produce strong winds. Both are generally associated with low barometric pressure, as are nearly all storms.

Where did the first black blizzard happen?

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Asked by Wiki User

where did the black blizzard happen

What is the answers to this story blizzard hunt?

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Asked by Wiki User

1.(C) yang felt the gash on her face

2.(C) the fourth paragraph

3. (A) hero

4. (A) the villagers might freeze to death

5. (A) yang fought off the leopards successfully

6. (B) yang placing her staff in her hands

7. (D) Yang has hunted animals before

8. (C) he is Yang's guide

9. (A) the desire conditions of yang's village

10.(D) the cashier

11. (A) furiously and impatiently

12. (B) gracefully

13. (B) yang's determination

14. (D) A celebration


What two things are mixed to create a blizzard?

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Asked by Wiki User

You actually kinda need three things to create a blizzard. One, you need cold air(below freezing) to make snow. Two, moisture, to form clouds and precipitation. Lastly, three, you need rising warm air to form clouds and cause precipitation.

Can you be outside during a blizzard?

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Asked by Wiki User

no you cannot be outside

during a blizzard

What Does blizzard mean hot or cold?

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Asked by Wiki User

It mean cold.

What is the weather like in the Midwest?

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Asked by Gudrun Collier

Weather in the Midwest varies depending on the state and the season. Summers in the Midwest become extremely warm and humid withe temperatures in the 80s and 90s. Winters are frigid with temperatures usually falling below zero. As for fall and spring, average temperatures range between the 50s and 70s, with a moderate amount of rain.

Does a blizzard form due to a cold or warm front?

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Asked by HotAnswerer

This is would be a cold front.

Where should people go during a blizzard?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sheltering indoors is safest; winds can blow damaging debris your way.