

Blood Donation

Blood donation is often referred to giving the gift of life. When a person donates blood, it usually goes into a special blood bank to be used by surgery patients, accident victims, children with leukemia, and many other people. Blood banks are sometimes depleted during times such as natural disasters, and are often looking for volunteers to help keep them full.

500 Questions

How long does the process of donation take?

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Asked by Srikuttypreethi

1. Regirstration.

2. Filling out of questionairre.

3. Interview (with nurse) and blood iron test.

4. Calling for donation (as long as you are healthy enough to donate).

5. Blood pressure testing.

6. Insertion of needle by doctor (while you squeeze on an object, the aim of this is to increase blood flow to the arm and to make blood vessels easier to find).

7. Blood flows into bag. This will take between 8 and 15 minutes. While this is occuring, you may chat with the nurse.

8. Once the bag is full, you will be asked to take a brief period of rest on the bed. You will then asked to get off the bed slowly (to prevent fainting).

9. You will then be invited to a table with food and drinks and you will be encouraged to eat lots of food and take in plenty of drinks.

Each time you donate, the process will be very similar, or the same as listed above (apart from the registration).

Period pains but not any blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can get period pains before your period starts


yeah I know that I posted this question I got period pains but no blood. When I usually get period pains I come on straight away it been a week now since that has happened. It came as a shock I thought I was really coming on. My period pains are really painful as well and the pains were just like them but I didn't get my period. I couldn't move I couldn't cry cause I was in pain.

How soon after hip replacement surgery can I donate blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

blood plasma donation after total hip replacement

Can asthmatics donate blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, although it depends on the center. I personally have chronic bronchitis and have been a blood donor for over 4 years now. Usually if you have symptoms of your bronchitis, they will defer you for 4 weeks or until the bronchitis has been treated.

Call your donation center to be sure before you donate or schedule an appointment.

Good luck and happy donating! :)

How old do you have to be in the state of Illinois to donate blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

17 years old and 100 pounds. But usually there are other criteria and questionaires you have to answer.

Do you have to make an appointment to donate blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you do not have to fast to donate blood. You actually need to be sure and eat some carbs, sugars,and proteins prior to to prevent passing out.

How many times a year can you give blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

FDA guidelines allow volunteer whole blood donations every 56 days, plateletpheresis donations twice a week up to 24 times a year, plasmapheresis twice a week (as long as total protein and immunoglobulin levels remain adequate) and double red cell collection by apheresis every 112 days.

What happens if you sneeze blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

You probably have a deviated spetum bleed often caused my using massive amounts of Cocaine.

Whoever wrote the above answer obviously isn't a doctor because I have never used Cocaine a day in my life and I sneezed a small amount of blood this morning.

Allergic to penicillin can you donate blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. FDA guidelines require potential donors on antibiotic therapy complete the entire course of treatment AND be symptom free for at least 48 hours prior to volunteer blood donation.

Is it safe to swallow a girls squirting juices?

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Asked by Wiki User

of coarse it's safe to swallow a womans sperm/cum.It's the most satisfactory feeling that i know of.I have been swallowing her sweet juice for over 2 years now.I usually will swallow her juice for at least 7 to 11 hours at a time sometimes more.Gives me a high like no other and i do'nt drink or do drugs,do'nt need it just having my mouth around her lower lips and clitorius makes me happy!Then theres the grafenberg spot but thats enough information that you get.

Can you donate blood if you are anemic?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. When donating blood, your blood hemoglobin and hematocrit must be within acceptable levels in order to give blood. With hemolytic anemia, the counts would be lower than normal and therefore you would not be allowed to donate.

How long after total shoulder replacement surgery can you donate blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can not donate blood next five years after ACL surgery.

When can you legally donate blood in California?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can legally donate blood at age 16 with a parents consent. Several states, including California, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Oregon, Washington and Puerto Rico already allow 16-year-olds to donate blood. Persons under the age of 17 may, however, donate blood for their own use, in advance of scheduled surgery or in situations where their blood has special medical value for a particular patient such as a family member.

Can you give blood if you take toprol?

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Asked by Wiki User

I wasn't allowed to donate blood within 30 days of taking toprol.

Can you donate blood while taking Diclofenac?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should be fine to drive whilst taking diclofenac.

Are The blood proteins A and B codominant?

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Asked by Wiki User

The genes which determine the ABO phenotype are inherited in a codominant fashion.

ABO blood groups are determined by the presence or absence of terminal sugars on the red cell membrane. These sugars are placed on the red cells by enzymes (glycosyltransferases) that transfer specific sugars to the appropriate carbohydrate chain acceptor. The genes that code for the specific glycosyltranserases are located on chromosome 19. Therefore, the ABO antigens are indirect products of the genes.

Can you donate blood if you were an IV drug user?

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Asked by Wiki User

You COULD, but traces of the drug would be transferred over to the donated blood. I don't know if the donated blood is tested for it, but the medical personnel doing the collecting would definitely be told to watch out for donors like that, and to turn them away.

What is replacement blood donation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Replacement blood donations are usually requested by blood collection facilities following the use of blood components by a patient. This will help assure adequate blood components are available to the community when needed.

Can you donate your eyes?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cornea.

Interestingly it is avascular and so can generally be transplanted without regard to tissue typing and without immunosupressants.

What do you do to recover from blood loss or blood donation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Immediately after giving blood you need to rest or sit down (for at least 10 minutes). You also need to eat a lot of foods (particulary sugary foods) and drink something like coke, tea or coffee (you must have a lot to eat and drink after donation). You must also avoid heavy work or exercise for at least 24hrs. You cannot have a bath for the rest of the day (the day of your donation). Finally, just one or two important things to note: 1. If during or after donation your are feeling unwell, you MUST tell a doctor or nurse immediately. 2. If, for example, 2 days after donation you are not feeling well, you need to see a doctor ASAP.

Explain why a person with type AB blood can donate blood only to a person with the same?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person with A-type can also donate to someone with AB-type as well, provided there is no conflict with any other bloodtyping (rhesus positive or negative being the major one). This is because antibodies on the blood cells in the donor are treated as invaders if they are not the right type. The recipient's body then acts in the same way as it would when fighting off a normal virus or invader; they attack the foreign cells and this creates clots throughout the circulatory system. This poses serious risks to the recipient, as they can block the arteries and veins and cause hypoxia and anaemia, as well as heart problems with life at major risk.

How heavy do you have to be to donate blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is not a set minimum. There are height brackets, and you have to exceed the minimum weight in your heaight bracket.

A bit more:

As an adult you have to weigh a minimum of 110 pounds.

What changes would occur in cardiovascular system immmediately after the blood donation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Immediately after blood donation, the cardiovascular system will be perfectly normal. Your body will replace its blood volume (as plasma) within 24 hours after donation. The bond marrow will replace the red blood cells in about 4 to 8 weeks, which is why you need to wait 8 weeks before donating whole blood again.