

Bottlenose Dolphins

The Bottlenose Dolphin is the largest of the beaked dolphins and lives in temperate and tropical seas worldwide. The Bottlenose Dolphin can also be trained to perform in marine centres and can be swum with and stroked by humans. This category consists of questions about the Bottlenose Dolphin’s habitat, structure, etc.

500 Questions

How do bottlenose dolphins protect themselves from enemies?

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Bottle nose dolphins protect themselves by jumping high in the air and confusing predators. They also protect themselves by jamming their noses into things such as sharkks soft bellies..

Go dolphins!
They have incredible speed, the jump into the air really high to confuse their predators, and they use their pointed noses to attack if absolutely necessary. -Fire Drill
Bottlenose dolphins in many cases have the advantage of being an apex predator, that is, an animal that is not hunted for food by any other organism in their eco system. In cases where this is not always the case, they survive by defending themselves coordinating with other members of their pod to fight off potential threats. These animals utilize their teeth as their main method of defense.
How do dolphins protect. Temslefa

here is your answer:

By Living in pods.

Which is especially important when killer whales or sharks are nearby. If a shark tries to attack a dolphin in the pod, the other dolphins will circle the shark. Then they swim into the shark's underbelly, striking it with their snouts. A dolphin might also lie calmly in the water, tricking a predator into thinking it is dead. Sharks and killer whales tend to like only fresh meat, so the predator will usually swim past a dolphin playing dead.

Do the Bottle-nose Dolphins live in the salt water?

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Bottlenose dolphins are only known to live in oceanic environments, this falls under salt water, however they are capable of surviving in fresh water as they are not reliant on water to survive in the same manner fish are

How much does the female bottlenose dolphin weigh?

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the male dolphin weighs about 300-500 pounds. the female, called the cow, weighs a little bit less.

What is a dolphin's strongest sense?

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it send clicks that can travel more than a mile underwater.

Who Found Winter The Dolphin?

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Winter got tangled up in a cage and a fisher man came to help her and then they had to cut off her tale only when she was 2 months old!

How do bottlenose dolphins escape predators?

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i think this is it:

they wave their tail, blow bubbles and send sounds to scare the shark off

sry if its rong i am no expert lyk but i do no sum stuff

What feature helps a bottle nose dolphin swim?

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The nose of a dolphin helps the sonar travel. Also, the nose is good for digging in the sand below the ocean serface

What ecosystem do bottlenose dolphin live in?

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Dolphins are important to the ecosystem in the sense that they are apex or top-level predators which control populations of fishes and squids and keep the ecosystem balance.

Lately, the bottlenose dolphin has been identified as sentinel of the coastal marine ecosystems, because their consume of a wide variety of fishes and squids, they concentrate contaminants in their bodies when there are high concentrations of contaminants in the water.

Well in affence dolphines live in the Water duhhh

Why are bottlenose dolphins mammals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientific Classification for Bottle Nosed Dolphin

keep* Kingdom: Animalia

pond* Phylum: Chordata

clean* Class: Mammalia

or* Order: Cetacea

froggy* Family: Delphinidae

gets* Genus: Tursiops

sick* Species: T. Truncatus

*just an easy way to remember it, hope it helps! :p

How much can a bottle nose dolphin holds its breath?

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A Bottlenose dolphin can hold their breath for the maximum of 8 minutes and 45 seconds. Aproximate answer. A Bottlenose dolphin can hold their breath for the maximum of 8 minutes and 45 seconds. Aproximate answer.

What are malefemale and baby dolphins called?

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A male dolphin is called a bull

a female is a cow and a baby is a calf

What is the weigh of dolphins brain?

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The approx brain weight of the dolphin is 1700g.

What do bottle nose dalphins like to play?

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I have seen a lot of dolphins around Cape Henry at Virginia Beach Virginia.

Where do dolphins spend most of their time?

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Asked by gwburnsErin

i think that most of there time they play with there friends or familey and go on adventures all the time

What is the cost of dolphin food per year?

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Well, per dolphin, it costs about $300 a day. if you take that and multiply that by 365 (365 days in a year), It'll be about $109,500 per dolphin a year. So a place like SeaWorld has probably about 10 dolphins. There goes a million dollars just to feed 10 dolphins for a year.

Is there really a pink bottlenose dolphin?

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Yes, there really ARE pink dophins. Some are found along the coastlines of China, Singapore and Vietnam. They are called baiji.

In South America, the pink river dolphin found in the Amazon River and the Orinoco River is called a boto.

Check out the link(s) below for more information regarding these endangered dolphins:
yes if you dont belive me go look it up on google.

What is the name for the group of a bottle nose dolphin?

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There's the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and the Indo-Pacific bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus).

How many teeth does a bottle nose dolphin have?

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Bottlenose dolphins have a warm, happy smile that has made them popular in our culture. That's why I love them. Dolphins have a lump of fat on their head called the melon. They are a solid grey color with some dark spots, a bottlenose dolphin has a dorsal fin, like any other dolphin specimen. The tail, or fluke, indicates that the animal is a mammal. Marine mammal's tails move up and down, vertically. Fish tails move from side to side. Bottlenose dolphins also have two small fins on either side of their stomach. I hope my information was useful.

How has the australian snubfin dolphin adapted to its environment?

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Their teeth and snouts, often noted in the shape of a smile, is formed in a way that helps them to catch fish. The length of the snout also helps them to kill predators such as sharks, if one were to come after a young dolphin. Their blubber and smooth skin are used to move quickly through the water and when a dolphin dives down, which happens frequently for food, their heartbeat slows to save oxygen. As for intelligence, their brains are quite large and they show superior communication skills. One experiment had a diver play one dolphin noise. One of the dolphins placed its tail on the sandy ground and stood like the human. They mimicked the sound the humans had played and tried to continue the conversation by adding another sound. These "sounds" are echolocation, which means that the squeaks go out of the dolphin, hit objects, and then bounce back to the dolphin. This is how dolphins "see" under water.

What are some special features about the bottlenose dolphin?

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Thermoregulation,maintains a constant body temperature of 36 to 37 degrees Celsius and 96.8 to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Camouflage, the skin helps them hide from dangerous predators. Looking at their backs it looks like the deep,dark depths of the ocean but, from the stomach it looks like the oceans light surface.

Swimming, helps them escape from predators and swim at speeds of 5-11 kph. ( 3-7 mph.)

Diving, the dolphin can store 36 milliliters of oxygen per kilograms of body weight which helps to dive.

Respiration, dolphin holds its breath underwater and comes jumping up from the water to take its breath.

Why do dolphins have point nose?

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I don't know. Why is the sky blue?! :) .. This is my very first answer:)
dolphins have a long nose because they could smell their prey much better and follow it to eat it. They also use their flippers to create a dust cloud to trap their prey and then catch it