


Burns are injuries to the flesh that are caused by chemicals, electricity, heat, radiation or sunlight. While most burns affect primarily the skin, it is important to know that large burns can also be fatal.

500 Questions

What Epidermal and some dermal damage is a what degree burn?

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Probably a second. It's marked by blisters.

You got sun burn what sould you do?

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Asked by Lazlooz

Use after sub. Skin feels really sore when applying it, skin burns, but it really helps after applying it a couple of hours later.

What do you do if you burn yourself with hair removal cream?

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When skin got burned due to waxing or applying hair removal cream you can get rid of it by doing the following:

1. Putting an ice into a towel then leave it on the skin for about 10 to 15 minutes. Continue the process for about 1-2 hours.

2. Milk and aloe Vera gel may also help. Pour the milk on the burn, milk contains soothing properties which relieve pain.

3. You may apply hydrocortisone cream to the affected area this cream will reduce swelling on the skin.

4. Drink lots of water. Burn skin is usually dehydrated.

5. Avoid sunlight.

What is a severe burn?

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a severe injury is when limbs are broken, your head is cracked, and you can not breath

Does vitamin C help with sun burns?

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I haven't heard of that but vitamin e does help.

What is the difference in 1st and 2nd degree burns?

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First degree only causes redness. second degree causes blistering.

Can salt burn?

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Yes, salt can indeed burn. It has to be cooking at a very high temperature though and it will start popping and shooting up into the air. It has to cook at such high temperatures that it can not be done at home on your stove.

Why is a 3rd degree burn considered as a serious injury?

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A third degree burn, by definition, means that the skin is totally destroyed over x % of the body. This leads to "uncontrollable" infection, as well as difficulty in controlling water loss.

Which burns are more serious?

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Burn types are separated into degrees of severity. The most commonly encountered are:

First degree burns: these are superficial burns to the outer layers (epidermis) of the skin, causing reddening (or occasionally whitening) of the skin and relatively mild pain.

Second degree burns: these are more serious burns, involving the outer (epidermis) and inner (dermis) layers of the skin, causing reddening, blistering, and pain. These are fairly typical results of steam or boiling water burns. Somewhat counterintuitively, more severe second degree burns tend to be less painful, as the nerves in the skin become damaged.

Third degree burns: these are severe burns, involving the complete loss of the skin (dermis and epidermis) in the affected area, often including charring, and damage to the deeper tissue. These often require skin grafts in order to heal, typically scar badly, and can easily be life-threatening if they occur over significant areas of the body.

The scale actually continues with the less-common fourth, fifth, and sixth degree burns, which range from deep muscle damage up to the total destruction of limbs. All of these are enormously damaging and immediately life threatening.

What is a second degree burn charatised?

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For a second degree burn, you will see redness. There will also be blisters forming.

How do you treat a 2nd degree burn after 1 week?

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You have to give it time to heal.

Does third degree burn hurt?

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It can make your skin black, and it starts to char. You might not even feel any pain!

Blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skin You classify the injury as a burn?

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Yes, it's a second degree burn. I burned my finger on a soldering iron, and I had the same symptoms.

Can a 3rd degree burn regenerate?

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Yes, but not perfectly. You should seek professional medical treatment right away. Do not remove the burned clothing. Do not apply water, gels, or ointments. Do not apply a bandage. They may require skin grafts and other surgeries.

Why is it advisable to pour cold water on burns caused on human body by hot bodies?

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it helps to put a burn under cold water because it stops the burn from going deeper into the tissue.

What happens when you skin puffs up when you burn it?

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You usually shouldn't puff up - but you may have a condition called dermographism which means skin writing. When pressure applies to your skin, your affected area will break out into hives.

How long do you keep 2nd degree burn covered?

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My 2 yr old

Just got 2nd degree burns on her arm ....dr said 10 days keep covered w burn

Cream and clean it

Twice a day w soap and water .

What is the preferred mode of narcotic administration for a patient with a deep partial thickness burn?

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An extensive burn injury causes impairment of muscle and subcutaneous tissue. Additionally, the gastrointestinal tract has decreased perfusion related to the burn injury. Medications administered by mouth, intramuscularly, or subcutaneously are not absorbed consistently as a result of the burn injury. The client may not experience pain relief from these routes of administration and may also receive a sudden bolus of medication at some point after administration, when fluid shifts occur. Therefore the IV route is the best choice.

How do you treat hot pepper skin burns?

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I am assuming you are referring to chemical burns from an actual pepper (Capiscum family), or from pepper spray as used in the US, which is based on capsaicin -- a derrivitive of the actual pepper itself (other countries use different compounds that may not have exactly the same process).

That said, flush with water, then with milk (yes, Milk). Capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers that make them hot, bonds with the neural sensors that detect abbrasion pain, and light them up. Once the bond is complete (and you can feel the pain) it's nearly impossible to break the bond. The mill, contains the protein casein which may have a greater affinity for bonding to capsaicin than the proteins in your own neural tissue.

If it's in the eyes, I'd use a saline eye wash, but I've also heard Visine works well. There is, however, no really fully effective remedy.

Once the capsaicin breaks down, you're left with chemical irritation, that you treat as you would any such disorder: cold pack, antiseptics if the skin is broken, bandaging if necessary. Barring allergic reactions, which are rare, this should heal easily over a week or less.

One exposure to the eyes SEEMS to be undamaging, but repeated exposure can injure the cornea.

NOTE -- capsaicin bonds super-easily, so make Certain you wear gloves when treating this -- also wear gloves when handling super hot peppers (habeneros for instance -- or even jalapenos).

Why is a 3rd degree burn often painless?

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It is often painless because it kills your nerve cells. As a result, your nerve cells can't send pain signals.