


The Caracal is a small nocturnal wild cat that lives in the arid, scrubby areas of Africa, Arabia and the Middle East, hence also known as the Desert Lynx. It is characterized by its long tufts of hair on the tip of its ears, and weighs from 15 - 18 kg. The Caracal is a solitary animal that hunts many species of mammals and birds, particularly rodents and small antelopes. Information and facts related to this wild cat can be found here.

367 Questions

How long do Caracals sleep?

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What name is another name for the caracal?

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The Caracal is also known as the desert lynx. It is a wild cat that is widely distributed across Africa, Central Asia and southwest Asia into India. The word Caracal is derived from the Turkish words "Kara Kulak", which means "black ear".

How do caracals teeth do?

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Do caracals eat humans?

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What eats a baby caracal?

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Spotted eagle owls and hyenas

How does a caracal adapt to its environment?

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A carnivore, the caracal typically preys upon small mammals, birds and rodents. Studies in South Africa have reported that it preys on the Cape grysbok, the common duiker, sheep, goats, bush vlei rats, rock hyraxes, hare and birds.

What type of defense do caracals have?

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Camouflage is a primary defense against predators. When threatened in their preferred, open habitats, caracals lie flat and their plain, brown coats act as instant camouflage. Agile climbing abilities also aid caracals in escaping larger predators such as lions and hyenas.

Do caracal migrate?

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Is a caracal a producer?

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How long can carcals live?

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What color are the caracal's ears?

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Black. The most conspicuous feature of the caracal is elongated, tufted black ears, which also explain the origin of its name, karakulak, Turkish for "black ear".

How fast does a caracal go?

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62 mph

How do Caracal take care of baby?

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by feeding them milk from it's body

Are caracals domestic cats?

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The short answer is no. However, some people do keep these wild cats from Africa and Asia as exotic pets. These are no household kitties. Related to servals, caracals can weigh up to 40 pounds and can seriously injure a person with their teeth and claws. In ancient times, caracals were trained to hunt pigeons in an arena, each cat killing 10 to 12 birds with a single leap.

How much does a caracal cost?

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from $1500.00 to $2200.00

A caracal is a type of what?

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A caracal is a medium size cat that can be found in Western Asia, Southern Asia, and Africa. Caracals are also known as the Persian Lynx, Egyptian Lynx, and African Lynx, even though it isn't considered to be an actual lynx.

What do Caracal eat?

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A carnivore, the caracal typically preys upon small mammals, birds and rodents. Studies in South Africa have reported that it preys on the Cape grysbok, the common duiker, sheep, goats, bush vlei rats, rock hyraxes, hare and birds.

Does a caracal have pointed ears?

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Yes, they also have tufts of fur at the point of their ears.