


Carpeting is traditionally a floor covering. It can be made from many different materials, and it comes in many different styles. Different types of carpet need to be cared for in a variety of ways.

642 Questions

How do you get skunk smell out of carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

To remove skunk smell from carpet, start by blotting the affected area with paper towels to soak up excess moisture. Next, apply a mixture of water, vinegar, and baking soda to the affected area and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up. You may need to repeat this process multiple times to completely eliminate the odor.

Why are carpets called carpets?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "carpet" is derived from the Latin word "carpere," which means to pluck or pull apart. This term was used to describe woven floor coverings that were made by weaving together threads or yarns. Over time, the term evolved to refer to large, often soft coverings used to cover floors.

How do you remove human feces from carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

To clean up human feces from carpet, first, put on gloves and remove any solid waste with paper towels. Then, mix a solution of water and mild detergent and apply it to the stained area. Blot the area with clean cloths until the stain is removed, then rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly. Disinfect the area with a carpet cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar to eliminate any remaining bacteria.

How do you train a cat not to scratch on the carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Provide the cat with appropriate scratching posts or pads made of rough material like sisal or cardboard. Encourage them to use these by placing treats or catnip on them. Use positive reinforcement when they use the scratching post and redirect them gently if they scratch the carpet.

Why is your cat scooting his butt on the carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your cat may be scooting his butt on the carpet due to irritation or discomfort in the anal area. This could be caused by issues such as blocked anal glands, parasites, or inflammation. It's best to have your cat examined by a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

How do you stop your puppy from chewing on the carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

To stop your puppy from chewing on the carpet, provide plenty of appropriate chew toys and redirect their attention to those toys when you catch them chewing. You can also try using a bitter spray or deterrent on the carpet to discourage chewing. Consistent training, supervision, and positive reinforcement will help teach your puppy what is acceptable to chew on.

How does carpet affect asthma?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carpet can trap allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores, which can trigger asthma symptoms in individuals sensitive to these allergens. Regular cleaning and vacuuming of carpets can help reduce these triggers and improve indoor air quality for asthma sufferers. Some people with asthma find it helpful to remove carpeting and opt for hard flooring surfaces instead to minimize exposure to allergens.

Who is better Luna carpet or empire carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

The quality of Luna Carpet versus Empire Carpet can vary depending on individual experiences and preferences. It is recommended to research both companies, read reviews, and request quotes to determine which one may better meet your needs and budget.

How do you remove sunscreen from carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

To remove sunscreen from carpet, start by blotting up as much of the sunscreen as possible using a clean cloth. Then, mix a solution of mild dish soap and water and gently dab the stained area with a sponge. Rinse with water and blot dry. Repeat as needed until the stain is removed.

Why is the carpet blue?

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Asked by Wiki User

The carpet is blue because it was likely chosen by the owner or designer for its aesthetic appeal or to complement the overall design scheme of the room. Color choices in interior design are often subjective and based on personal preference.

What is the fear of carpets called?

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The fear of carpets is called "tapinophobia." It is a specific phobia characterized by an irrational fear of walking on carpets or fear of being in close proximity to them.

How do you get comet off carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

To remove comet from carpet, first, scrape off any excess residue with a spoon or dull knife. Then, apply a mixture of water and mild liquid detergent to the area and gently blot with a clean cloth. Finally, rinse the area with clean water and blot dry.

Why does a dog eats carpet?

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Dogs may eat carpet due to pica, a condition where they have a craving for non-food items. This behavior could also be a result of boredom, anxiety, or a lack of proper mental or physical stimulation. It is important to address this behavior with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues and to provide appropriate training and enrichment for the dog.

Why is a carpet called a carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "carpet" is derived from the Latin word "carpere," which means to pluck or pull. It is thought to refer to the action of weaving or knotting fibers together to create a textile covering for floors. Over time, the term has come to specifically refer to a thick woven fabric used as a floor covering.

What does it mean when your dog scratches the carpet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scratching the carpet could be a sign of discomfort or anxiety in your dog. It could also indicate that your dog is trying to mark its territory with scent glands in their paws. Providing appropriate mental and physical stimulation, as well as identifying any underlying medical issues, may help address this behavior.

What is terclon?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Terclon" does not appear to be a commonly known term or word. It is possible that it may be a misspelling or a specific term related to a niche field or product. Without further context, it is difficult to provide a specific answer.

How to Get Bad Smells Out Of Your Carpet?

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Asked by Nick Rutherford

To get bad smells out of your carpet, start by sprinkling baking soda over the affected area and let it sit for a few hours to absorb the odor. Vacuum up the baking soda thoroughly. You can also try using a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar to spray onto the carpet and then blot with a clean cloth. Lastly, make sure to air out the room to help eliminate any lingering odors.

Why did a bleach spot appear after my carpet cleaning?

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Asked by Nick Rutherford

A bleach spot may have occurred during carpet cleaning if a bleach-based cleaner was inadvertently used or if the carpet came into contact with a bleach-containing product prior to cleaning. Bleach can react with the carpet fibers, causing them to lose their color. It's important to ensure that only appropriate cleaning products are used on carpets to avoid this issue.

Why Steam Cleaning Is the Best Way to Get Rid Of Stains from Your Carpet?

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Asked by Nick Rutherford

Steam cleaning is effective for removing stains from carpets because it uses hot water and steam to break down dirt and grime. The high temperature also kills bacteria and dust mites, leaving your carpet sanitized. Additionally, steam cleaning doesn't involve harsh chemicals, making it safe for both your carpet and the environment.

How Does Carpet Steam Cleaning Work?

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Asked by wayyneashley

Carpet steam cleaning works by using hot water and steam to deep clean carpets. The process involves applying hot water and detergent to the carpet, agitating it to break down dirt and stains, and then using a vacuum to extract the dirty water and debris. The steam helps to sanitize and disinfect the carpet while also removing allergens and odors.

What Determines Ease of Carpet Cleaning?

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Asked by Ryanchandler

Several factors determine the ease of carpet cleaning, including the type of carpet fiber (e.g., wool, nylon, polyester), the density and pile height of the carpet, the presence of stains or spills, and the frequency of regular maintenance and vacuuming. Additionally, the quality of the carpet's construction and any special treatments or coatings applied to it can impact how easy it is to clean.

Why a Green Carpet Cleaning Solution is More Effective?

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Asked by Ryanchandler

Green carpet cleaning solutions are more effective because they are non-toxic and environmentally friendly, making them safer for humans and pets. These solutions are often biodegradable and free from harsh chemicals, ensuring a deep clean without leaving behind harmful residues. Additionally, green cleaning solutions are gentle on carpet fibers, helping to prolong the lifespan of your carpet.

Is there dissimilarity between wet cleaning and steam cleaning a carpet?

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Asked by paulavdertay

Yes, there is a difference between wet cleaning and steam cleaning a carpet. Wet cleaning involves using water and detergent to clean the carpet, while steam cleaning uses hot water vapor to clean and sanitize the carpet. Steam cleaning is considered a more effective method for deep cleaning as it can penetrate the carpet fibers to remove dirt and stains.

Why Carpet Can Delaminate?

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Asked by Samueljakson

Carpet delamination can occur due to poor adhesive application during installation, high moisture levels leading to separation of carpet layers, or heavy foot traffic causing the layers to pull apart over time. It is important to address the underlying cause and repair or replace the carpet to prevent further damage.

Why does carpet have more friction than sandpaper?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carpet typically has more friction than sandpaper because the surface of a carpet consists of fibers that create resistance when an object moves across it. Sandpaper, on the other hand, has rough abrasive particles that grip onto the object, increasing friction.