

Charlie Bone

This category is for questions about the Children of the Red King book series, written by Jenny Nimmo. The series is more commonly known as "Charlie Bone."

187 Questions

Why were the bloors so interested in Emma tolly?

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The Bloors were interested in Emma Tolly because of her unique abilities as a hypnotist, which made her a valuable asset for their plans to control and manipulate others. They saw her as a potential tool to further their own agenda and gain power over those around them.

What happened to make Zeke angry at Henry in charlie bone and the time twister?

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In "Charlie Bone and the Time Twister," Zeke becomes angry at Henry when he discovers that Henry has hidden important information about the time twister from him and the other children. Henry's actions lead to a rift in the friendship between him and Zeke.

What was the name of Charlie Bone's school?

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The name of Charlie Bone's school is Bloor's Academy.

How did ollie turn invisible in Charlie Bone?

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Ollie turned invisible in the "Charlie Bone" series by Jenny Nimmo after drinking a special potion called Ghostly Mist. This potion was created by the character Ezekiel Bloor to help Ollie hide from danger.

What is Charlie's wand called in Charlie Bone and the Shadow?

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Charlie Bone's wand is called the "wand of emerald," which he receives as a gift from his friend Olivia Vertigo in the book "Charlie Bone and the Shadow."

What is the time frame for the story 1984?

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My own impression when reading the novel was that the main part of the story - that is, up to the arrest - is about a few months. Once Winston Smith is tortured, the reader loses all sense of time.

That's true but remember That Geo. Orwell was writing when Britain was very much down in the dumps with a bad economy's , Losses of Empire, losses during WW2 and economic chaos). From a few things i have read about George Orwell it was to be a fairly near future tale in which he simply switched the date he wrote it (1948) to 1984) The complete collected Journalism of Geo. Orwell a 2 or 3 Volume set can tell you more about his thinking at the time. In a way it reflects his understanding of the 1950's Britain

How old is Tancred Torsson?

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Tancred Torsson was born on April 27, 1983, so he is currently 38 years old.

What are the main events of Charlie Bone and the castle of mirrors?

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The main events in "Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors" involve Charlie Bone discovering a mysterious castle inhabited by a powerful sorcerer named Ezekiel Bloor. Charlie and his friends must navigate dangerous traps and challenges within the castle to uncover its secrets and ultimately defeat Ezekiel Bloor's sinister plans. Along the way, they encounter magical creatures and face many obstacles that test their bravery and loyalty.

What is the external conflict of midnight for charlie bone?

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The external conflict in "Midnight for Charlie Bone" revolves around Charlie's ongoing battle against the sinister and powerful Bloors. As a member of the Yewbeam family, Charlie must navigate their schemes and manipulation while uncovering the truth about his own powers and heritage. This conflict drives much of the action and suspense in the story.

Who is Una Onimous in relation to Mr Onimous from Charlie Bone?

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Una Onimous is the daughter of Mr. Onimous in the Children of the Red King book series by Jenny Nimmo. She is a secretive character who possesses special powers related to shadows and darkness.

Where is jenny nimmo the author of midnight of Charlie Bone living right now?

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As of my latest information, Jenny Nimmo is a British author and lives in an undisclosed location in Wales.

What is the falling action of the book Charlie Bone and the time twister?

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The falling action of "Charlie Bone and the Time Twister" involves the resolution of the main conflict in the story, where Charlie Bone manages to use his special powers to thwart the plans of the villainous characters and restore balance to the magical world. The story concludes with a sense of closure and a return to normalcy for the characters.

What is the setting in Charlie Bone?

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The setting in "Charlie Bone" is primarily in the fictional city of Bloor's Academy, where the protagonist, Charlie Bone, discovers he has the ability to hear voices from photographs. The story is set in a time that feels both modern and traditional, with a touch of magic and mystery.

The turning point in the book dead connection by Charlie Price?

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In the book "Dead Connection" by Charlie Price, the turning point occurs when the main character, Reed, discovers a connection between the missing girls and his own online interactions. This realization pushes him to take more risks to uncover the truth and ultimately leads to a suspenseful confrontation that changes the course of the story.

What is the POINT OF VIEw in Midnight for Charlie Bone?

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The point of view in "Midnight for Charlie Bone" is third-person limited, with the narrator focusing primarily on Charlie Bone's thoughts and experiences. This allows readers to understand Charlie's perspective while also providing insight into the actions and motivations of other characters.

In which city is 'Charlie Bone' set?

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'Charlie Bone' is set in the fictional city of Bloor's Academy, located in the United Kingdom.

When did the story about in midnight for Charlie Bone take place?

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The story "Midnight for Charlie Bone" by Jenny Nimmo takes place in the modern day, although it has a fantastical element to it with magical powers and mysterious occurrences. The story follows Charlie Bone as he discovers his own powers and tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding his family history.

What is the climax of midnight for charlie bone?

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The climax of "Midnight for Charlie Bone" occurs when Charlie and his friends confront the evil Bloors at midnight in the tower, where a battle of magic takes place. This pivotal moment sets the stage for the resolution of the conflict and the reveal of important details about Charlie's family history and his powers.

What is foreshadowed in Silent to the Bone book?

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In the book "Silent to the Bone" by E.L. Konigsburg, foreshadowing is used to hint at the true cause of the injury to the main character, Connor. Suspense is built as clues suggest that Connor's silence may be related to a traumatic event involving his baby sister, and ultimately, the foreshadowing leads the reader to uncover the truth behind the mystery.

How many books are there in the Bourne series written by Robert Ludlum?

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Robert Ludlum wrote 3, he is the creator of Bourne. The series were continued by Eric Van Lustbader when Robert Ludlum died. The character bourne is still in the new novels.

Robert Ludlum wrote the trilogy:

1. The Bourne Identity (1980)

2. The Bourne Supremacy (1986)

3. The Bourne Ultimatum (1990)

Before he died he allowed Eric Van Lustbader to continue the series:

4. The Bourne Legacy (2004)

5. The Bourne Betrayal (2007)

6. The Bourne Sanction (2008)

7. The Bourne Deception (2009)

8. The Bourne Objective (2010)

9. The Bourne Dominion (2011)

10. The Bourne Imperative (2012)

This may or may not be true, i read somewhere that book 11 will be coming:

11. The Bourne Retribution (rumor, around 2013)

Is Olivia Vertigo Older Than Charlie Bone?

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Asked by Shadowthiefdark

Well, in the 1rst book, Charlie is 10 years old. So Olivia is either 9 or 10. This is bcause it's normally rare for Jenny Nimmo, with her style of writing, to write books where the girl is older than the boy if they are good friends.

What is the 7th book in the Charlie Bone series?

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The 7th book in the Charlie Bone series is called "Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock." It follows Charlie's continued adventures at Bloor's Academy as he tries to uncover the mysteries of the school and his own family history.

What are traits about Charlie in the book that was then this is now?

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Charlie is portrayed as loyal and protective towards his close friend Bryon, often going to great lengths to support him. He is also shown to have a tough exterior but a kind heart, as evidenced by his interactions with vulnerable characters in the story. Additionally, Charlie exhibits a sense of maturity and responsibility beyond his years, taking on adult-like roles to navigate through challenging situations.

What is a simile in the book Midnight for Charlie bone?

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A simile in the book "Midnight for Charlie Bone" might be something like "Her voice was as soft as a whispering breeze." This comparison uses "as" to show the similarity between the character's voice and a whispering breeze.

Why is charlie so mean to Lafayette in the book miracle boys?

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In "Miracle's Boys," Charlie is mean to Lafayette because he is struggling with his own grief and feelings of abandonment after their mother's death. He lashes out at Lafayette as a way to cope with his emotions and regain a sense of control in his life. This behavior is a reflection of his own internal struggles rather than a reflection of Lafayette himself.