


Known as the "Finding Nemo" fish, the Clownfish is bright orange saltwater species native to warm water coral reefs where they live in anemones.

500 Questions

How long does a clown fish stay with it's mother?

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Clownfish hatch into larvae that are swept away from the nest as soon as they hatch; so clownfish stay with the parents as eggs for 10-14 days.

How do clownfish and help sea anemone?

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What are all the ways that a anemone protect the clownfish

What do clownfishes feed on?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, they are prey. Typically sharks or sting rays do not eat them. Animals that are 2 or 3 times as size as them usually do. Like a barracuda. Hope this helps(:

How do clownfish swim?

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Clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones. Besides anemones, clownfish donâ??t like many other organisms, and may be aggressive towards them.

What phylum are clown fish in?

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Scientific classification













Scientific classification













Scientific classification













About twenty eight species are recognized, one in the genus Premnas, while the remaining are in the genus Amphiprion


Is a clownfish a carnivorea herbivoreor ommivor?

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That depends on the species of jellyfish. Most are omnivorous, as they can not distinguish whether the plankton they ingest is phytoplankton or zoo-plankton.

Do clown fish have a exoskeleton?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, an angelfish does not have an exoskeleton.

Do female clown fish lay eggs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Female clown fish do lay egg.

What ocean zone do clown fish live?

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Clown fish live in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, in anemones.

Do clownfish live in Fiji?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes because florida is the best place to live and the best state out of all 50 states

What is a common name of a Clown Fish?

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Clownfish are fishes from the subfamily Amphiprioninae in the family Pomacentridae. About twenty eight species are recognized, of which one is in the genus Premnas, while the remaining are in the genus Amphiprion. Clownfish are overall yellow, orange, reddish or blackish, and many show white bars or patches. The largest species reach a length of 7 in., while the smallest barely reach 4 inches.

What is the width of a clownfish?

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depends on which way you look at them? how old they are? what kind they are... theres a bunch... Ocellaris Clownfish or Flase Percula Clownfish are what nemo is... his father would be 1-1.5 cm wide, 4-5 inches long, 2-3.5 inches high... nemo is like 5mm wide, 3 cm long, 1.5 cm high... dory the blue tang would have attacked him in real life

Do jellyfish eat clownfish?

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Box jellyfish are carnivores that eat shrimp, fish, crustaceans, worms, other species of jellyfish and other small animal prey.

Is the clown fish a carnivore?

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They are carnivorous omnivores. They feed primarily on zooplankton but also eat bottom dwelling invertebrates, and algae They also nibble on the tentacles of their host anemones at times. Clownfish are protandrous hermaphrodites, meaning that they all mature as males but have the ability to change their sex to female.

How many babies do a clownfish have at one time?

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Asked by Jasminadame754

i say clown fish can have up to 500 eggs or more

How does the Excretory system of the clownfish work?

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Excretion in clownfish takes place in a number of different organs. Waste moves through the protonephridia and into the metanephridia. Then it goes to the malphigian tubules and out the anus.

What type of scales do clownfish have?

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yes they have scales most fish have scales.

Do clownfish eggs develop inside or outside the body?

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Clownfish are born in eggs. They get protected by the male until they hatch. the female can lay up to 1000 eggs.

Can you buy what clown fish eat?

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How Much to Feed At each feeding, slowly offer as much food as your clownfish can eat in five minutes. Feed in small portions—it’s much better to feed your fish too little than it is to feed it too much. If you feed your clownfish dry flakes, one or two flakes should be sufficient for an individual fish at each meal. Any food left over in the tank after a five-minute feeding is a sign that you’re overfeeding your fish. The Dangers of Overfeeding Overfeeding is one of the most common errors a beginning aquarist can make and is a common cause of death in pet fish. Fish eat far less than you might expect, and if they are given more than they need, the food either sinks to the bottom and pollutes the water or the fish overeats, leading to other health problems. When Your Fish Won’t Eat If a clownfish exhibits signs of a lost appetite, this often indicates a health problem. In all cases, a clownfish refusing food should, before anything else, be given a water change. Deteriorating water conditions often kill a clownfish’s appetite, but clean water quickly restores it. If your clownfish still isn’t hungry after the water change, examine it closely for signs of disease and treat it accordingly. depend on its appetite, the size and various other factors. There are no specific ways to measure the quantity but goldfishes and most of the fishes are feed the amount they can eat over 2 - 5 minute period.